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There are moments in life when you make a decision. Accept who you are. What you have become. This was one of those times…

The fairytale I thought I’d found had become a nightmare so quickly after I said, “I do.” Which was the reason I ran when I had the chance. Not thinking about the consequences. Just knowing I had to get free before it was my life that was taken.

I never expected to end up finding a haven. A place where people were willing to help me hide. It was as if I had walked into my own perfect daydream.


“Don’t believe every pretty face you meet, sweets. You should know by now that’s a terrible f——g  idea.”

She was my job. I was to make her feel safe and do whatever I had to in order to make sure she didn’t run. Underneath the abused and broken exterior, there was a fighter. It was in her eyes. I lived for the moments when she let me see that spark.

I had been headed straight to Hell years before I met Rumor, but letting her fall in love with me was going to reserve me a room in the darkest pit available. One day soon, she was going to find out I was the monster she was running from and the family she had come to trust was the mafia that had killed her husband.


Abbi Glines

Expected Release Date: 27 March 2024

Book Series: 

A steamy, southern mafia romance—part of the all-new Georgia Smoke series, and set in the same world as the Smoke and Judgement series—is coming from Abbi Glines in March 2024, and we have the gorgeous cover of the first book in the series, the first half of a duet.

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Georgia Smoke - Recommended Reading Order

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