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I should have known everything was going to change when she walked into my tattoo shop…

Timid as hell and gorgeous to the extreme. I knew better than even thinking about touching a woman like that.

My life is dangerous.

My calling wicked.

Willing to cross any line to protect the innocent.

I thought I’d never see her again until my little boy tumbled and busted his lip, and I found her working at the doctor’s office.

The woman who’d taken possession of my thoughts.

When it becomes clear she’s in trouble, I offer up a deal.

Twenty questions to earn her trust.

Too bad trusting me is the last thing she should do.

With one kiss, I’m addicted. With one night, we’re falling into a passion greater than either of us has ever known.

The voices in my head warn I can never keep her. She can’t know the secret life I lead.

Only she’s keeping a secret, too.

And I’ll do whatever it takes to keep her safe, even if it means losing everything…

COVER REVEAL: From Here to Eternity

A.L. Jackson

Expected Release Date: 15 October 2024

Book Series: 

A.L. Jackson is kicking off a brand new small town series in October 2024, and we have the cover of the first book in the series, featuring a broody single dad⁠ and a heroine on the run⁠.

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