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She’s desperate for another bestseller… and she’ll go to any length to get it. Even if it means sacrificing her pride to chase the hottest bachelor in town and get him to break her heart…

Once the literary world’s golden girl, Aspen Lourde can’t seem to produce another successful book, and the pressure’s on to prove she’s not just a one-hit-wonder. But there’s a catch: her bestseller was a heartbreak hit, straight from her own love life disaster. Without any fresh romantic turmoil to fuel her pen, Aspen needs inspiration quick enough to create a book her agent can sell to her publisher. So she escapes for the summer to the Outer Banks with a plan to live a story worth writing.

Brick Babel is a romance novelist’s dream: a local heartthrob with a reputation as wild as the horses running free in the town. He’s everything Aspen needs for a muse kickstart—gorgeous, moody, and notoriously unattainable. His affairs are legendary in the small town, and every woman warns her off, including her sister.

Too bad a good heartbreak is exactly what she needs to meet her deadline.

But Brick refuses to play the game, rejecting all of her advances. When Aspen hears his tour company is on the verge of bankruptcy, she offers him a deal: fake a whirlwind summer romance, then ditch her, drama guaranteed.

Desperate to save his grandfather’s business, Brick agrees to the ridiculous deal. What starts as a contractual fling spirals out of control as lines blur and real feelings emerge. Brick’s falling hard, and Aspen’s rethinking her plot twist. The novel might be her ticket back to the top, but at what cost?

Because Aspen’s finally found her muse, but some stories may be too true to share.

EXCLUSIVE EXCERPT: Book of the Month

Jennifer Probst

Expected Release Date: 22 October 2024

An emotional new novel is out this week from Jennifer Probst—the story of a writer who is desperate to write a best seller, but needs a devastating heartbreak to inspire her, so she decides to seduce the hottest bachelor in town—and I have a little sneak peek for you.

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Brooklyn and Inez shared a look, then burst into laughter. “Brick’s reputation is legendary. Everyone knows someone he’s dated and dumped. And what happened with her, of course.”

“Who?” Aspen asked.

“Anastasia,” Sierra said gravely. “His fiancée.”

The women paused as if honoring her name. Aspen leaned in. “Don’t stop now. Tell me the whole story.”

Brooklyn jumped in. “Brick moved to town after his grandfather passed to run the business. Every female in town was desperate to go out with him, but then Anastasia showed up and began telling everyone they were engaged, but he left New York without her. Just dumped her and said he was moving to OBX to start a new life.”

Inez took up the story. “She was heartbroken. Anastasia said she left her job and followed him so they could stay together. But when she arrived, Brick ignored her. Said they were done and refused to see her. It was so hard to watch.”

“That’s terrible,” Aspen said with a gasp.

All three nodded.

Sierra shook her head. “Brick actually started dating other women right in front of her. He tried telling everyone they’d broken up in New York, but no woman chases a man to a different state if they’re not together. Anastasia would cry in the bar and beg him to take her back, but he was so cold. Eventually, she left town, and no one heard from her again.”

“Why would anyone want to date him after that?”

Inez sighed. “He got even more famous after that. Women chased him constantly, and then the stories began. I had a client in my tattoo shop who wanted Brick’s initials within a black rose. Said she needed a daily reminder to never pick men who crush her again.”

Aspen stared at them in disbelief. “Okay, I’m all for a good story, but don’t you think this is a bit ridiculous? No man holds that kind of power. I mean, yes, he’s very hot.”

Pity gleamed in her sister’s eyes. “You’re already tempted, aren’t you? You’ll be like a lamb in a slaughterhouse.”

She shifted in her seat, feeling her ears grow hot. “I’m hardly an inexperienced virgin here. What exactly does he do to these women?”

“He has this magnetic pull. Yes, it’s his looks, but also his voice and the way he stares at you like you’re the only one who will ever understand him.” Brooklyn snapped her fingers. “Oh! Kind of like Christian Grey from Fifty Shades.”

Aspen leaned forward. “Does he do kink?”

Inez shook her head. “Doesn’t need it. I heard his missionary position can give multiple orgasms.”

A delicious shudder shook her. “Okay, so he’s gorgeous, good in bed, and listens. Anything else?”

“He gets you hooked, then disappears.”

Aspen blinked. “Stops calling?”

Sierra jumped in. “Stops calling, texting, all of it. Total ghosting. When the poor things reach out, confused and upset, he gives them the speech.”

“What’s the speech?”

“That he told them upfront he doesn’t do love. That he warned them it was temporary and was afraid things were getting too serious. That it’s best if he cuts the cord early rather than hurt them deeper down the line.”

Aspen sucked in a breath. “That’s awful. Almost…diabolical!”

“Told ya,” Sierra said. “He gives the speech to everyone before the very first date.”

“And what woman can resist the speech?” Inez asked. “It’s like a gauntlet being thrown down. Everyone wants to be the one to tame him and make him love them.”

Aspen pondered the warnings. “I truly doubt any man can make you love him in that short of a time. It’s not possible. It’s just lust.”

Brooklyn shook her head sadly. “Lust doesn’t cause women to get tattoos, move away, or lock themselves in their houses, crying for days on end. Lust stings. He gets them to love him. Anastasia should have been a warning, but it only made him a bigger temptation.”

Silence fell over the group and, as one, they all turned to stare at Brick.

As if he sensed the weight of their judgment, his head slowly cranked around and he met their gazes.

Warmth settled low in Aspen’s gut as those piercing ocean-blue eyes met hers. Pinned to her seat, unable to move, she stared back with a helpless fascination she didn’t even try to hide. After a moment, he inclined his head in a polite greeting, then turned away.

The breath whooshed out of her lungs.

“Yep, she’s a goner,” Inez declared.

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