This book was on a hot tamale train
to my “Favourites” folder from page one.
I started reading it on a bus and laughed so much while reading the first chapter that everyone around me thought I was crazy. Heavy Issues
simply has it all – witty and realistic dialogues, loveable characters, a beautiful love story of self-acceptance and lowering one’s defences when the right person comes along.
It is not JUST a steamy love story – the focus is, of course, on the relationship between the two main characters, Cole and Christy, but it is equally a story about learning to love and accept oneself and allowing others to love us. I really liked how Ms Aycart dealt with Christy’s issues of warped body image and lowered self-esteem. Her imagined “ugliness” was so believable to me as a reader that I couldn’t decide whether I felt like hugging her or beating some sense into her head.
But then there was Cole … *taking a moment to wipe off drool* … and his perfect possessive macho suck-it-up-princess way of dealing with Christy’s issues. He accepted them but never allowed her to get away with her need to hide her body from him or obsess about her flaws. I just FELT their connection, really believed it and got invested in it. I loved their love story so much but I also loved their own personal journeys.
I can’t recommend this book enough to anyone looking for a truly enjoyable well-written read.
“Sweetheart, believe it or not, I long ago realized restraining your hands won’t do squat, because you use more than your hands to touch me. You look at me, and you slice through me deeper than anyone ever has.”