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Are you ready for the truth?

I’d started writing everything about her down. I didn’t want to forget.
The color of her hair. The depth of her eyes. The stubborn shape of her jaw. The way her lips shaped words with such expression. The way her voice made my chest ache. The way she gave advice beyond her years.
The way she listened like she cared about every word.
The way she made me feel—Alive.
Every curve and hollow of her body was recorded, in my mind, and now my hard drive.
There was a bit of truth in every lie, and even if it had only been fed to me in the smallest increments, I wanted, needed to remember the real Iris.
Because in the end, there was one irrefutable thing that I couldn’t deny.
Hostage or hustler, sinner or saint, whatever she was or wasn’t, whether she lied to my face or taunted me with hints of the truth, all of this seemed always to defer to the more pertinent fact at hand.
She was mine.

After yet another shocking discovery, followed by a disturbing letter, Dair is almost certain Iris has left his life for good. He tries his best to move on.
Easier said than done, and when an unexpected and dangerous opportunity arises for him to find out what happened to her, he doesn’t hesitate to take it.
As usual, with Iris, the answer leaves him more lost than the question.
Every revelation is shrouded in mystery, and every disclosure leaves Dair more in the dark than ever.
And when finally, the messy truth is revealed in its entirety, will he be ready for it?


R.K. Lilley

Book Series: 


“Quit fighting against this, Dair, and start fighting for it.”

In a spellbinding finale to a truly addictive erotic serial that had me manically guessing and collecting clues from the very beginning, we finally find out everything. We find out Iris’ real identity, we find out why she keeps running away from Dair, and we find out what the future has in store for them. Every single detail has been untangled, every little secret unveiled, and we are now left retracing our steps and wondering whether it was the sizzling, off-the-charts chemistry between the main characters or the thrill of the enigma itself that clouded our vision and made us enjoy the ride so thoroughly, even though we were blissfully ignorant for the most part of it. I adored the fast pace of this story, the way we were kept in the dark right along our hero, knowing as little as he did, making the same presumptions, having the same suspicions, and getting hungrier and hungrier for the truth. This story is the ultimate wild ride, one I enjoyed tremendously and one I would recommend to anyone looking for a flaming hot read, heavily infused with romance, and a delicious zing of mystery.

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“There was a bit of truth in every lie, and even if it had been fed to me in the smallest increments, I wanted, needed to remember the real Iris.”

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Iris has been gone for two months, leaving Dair counting the days since her sudden disappearance and grieving her absence profoundly. He is unable and unwilling to move on, hoping each day that Iris would come back to him, just like she has done so many times before. As little as he truly knows about Iris, Dair cannot deny the fact that it is not just his body that misses her more and more each day, or that he would be willing to do anything to get her back.

“Regardless of the absence of its desire, my heart was already involved elsewhere.”

When finally presented with an opportunity to see her again, Dair goes without a second thought, prepared to risk his own safety just to hold her one more time. And that is when Iris’ story starts slowly unravelling. We start catching small clues, we are given a few long-awaited answers here and there, but the puzzle pieces don’t come together until the very end to give us the complete picture of Iris’s life.

“How could you be in love with a person you didn’t really know? Someone that had fed you nothing but lies? Someone you knew with certainty you couldn’t trust?”

As much as this book is all about the truth finally coming to light, this is also the book where Dair comes to terms with his feelings for a woman he knows almost nothing about, apart from all the reasons why they shouldn’t be together. He is desperate to know more about her, save her from her predicament and protect her with his life if needed, but he also keeps struggling with the knowledge that she has lied to him from the very beginning and that their connection might be based entirely on lust.

“I’m more than an age, Dair. I’m a person, a woman, and I’m in love with you.”

I devoured this final instalment in the series ravenously and I only wish it had been longer. One of the most passionate erotic thrillers I have ever read, I am not sure what I loved more—the intensity of the storyline or the superb writing style—but I was addicted to every part of it from the very first page and cannot recommend it highly enough. And just wait for that Epilogue…

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“My love for you is the realest thing I know. I’d like for you to remember that.”

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The Wild Side - Recommended Reading Order

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