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I sell sex, sin, and pleasure, but it isn’t just my business, it’s my entire life. I get off on the power of controlling it all.

She’s the one woman I can’t have.

She threatens everything, and yet I can’t stay away. There’s a beautiful, sexual creature inside this timid girl that’s desperate to claw its way out. I’m going to set it free, even if it brings my empire tumbling down.

I have to believe she’ll be worth all the little mistakes I’ve made.

BOOK REVIEW: Three Little Mistakes

Nikki Sloane

Book Series: 


Who could I become beneath him?

Whoa! This was quite possibly one of the kinkiest, filthiest, my most titillating reads of the year, and my skin is still burning from every single mind-blowing sex scene in it. A red-hot delight that occasionally even pushed me to the limits of my own comfort zone, this is a story intended to make our hearts race and our bodies ignite, and the very light BDSM tang to it only added to the overall allure of it all. If you’re in the mood for a book that takes charge and never lets go…of your undivided attention, or you’re simply looking for a kinky ‘bed warmer’, this book will make your toes curl cover to cover…and possibly even give you a few ideas.

“I could be charming. My eyes were kind and my smile warm, or so I’d been told, and I played up the old southern accent I used to have when needed. I disarmed. No one suspected the wolf beneath my surface, and only a handful of people knew about him.”

We met Joseph Monsato in the first two books in the series, as the owner of the ‘blindfold club’, a man who reeks of power and authority, and never lets his guard down. Even with an impressive portfolio of very successful establishments around the city, his favourite and his most profitable club remains his only illegal one—the high class brothel where men pay escorts to fulfil their dirtiest sexual fantasies. And while known for occasionally ‘sampling his own product’ by having casual, consensual sex with the women who work for him, those ‘scenes’ rarely do more than satisfy a physical need in him, never leaving him craving for more or unleashing a possessive streak in him. Until a bright-eyed, self-assured young woman walks into one of his clubs and catches his eye. And then hooks him deep by simply evading every single question he throws her way—so deep that he finds himself constantly thinking of her and hoping he’d see her again.

“I watched men worship the naked bodies of beautiful women every Friday and Saturday night at my blindfold club, using their mouths, their hands, their cocks . . . but I’d become desensitized. The scenes on the security footage did little to arouse anymore. But this girl with the shocked expression? She started a burn inside me and brought me to life. Dangerous and thrilling.”

At twenty-three, Noemi has always followed her family’s carefully laid plans for her future, and while she was raised to be sensible, cautious, poised, she craves the freedom to be herself—to speak out, instead of always biting her tongue, to become an assertive woman who is in control of her own fate, instead of allowing others to keep a tight rein on her, to accept the sexual woman inside her who confidently acknowledges her sexual desires, instead of being ashamed and even a little afraid of them. Her attraction to Joseph, a man fifteen years her senior, baffles her, scares her, makes her want to run the other way every time she is near him, and yet his dirty mouth and his brazen propositions are as irresistible to her as the air she breathes, to the point where they become all she thinks about, day and night.

“Do you want to be bad?” I did, but twenty-three years of doing the right thing were hard to shrug off.

Before they know it, they are deep under each other’s skin, nothing left of the ‘casual’ arrangement they’ve entered into, and each sexual encounter bringing them closer and closer to ridding themselves of the binds of their own minds and pasts. Joseph’s dominance and need for absolute control trigger a sexual awakening in Noemi, and under him, she becomes wild and uninhibited, and eventually more confident and outspoken in other aspects of her life. He makes her feel alive, free, powerful, while her devotion to him compels Joseph to question his own mantra of ‘nothing lasting forever’…until one last secret between them puts all they’ve worked hard to build between them to the test.

“You’d be my submissive.”
“You’d give me control over you.”
“I have enough people telling me what to do.”
“But my control would set you free, Noemi.”

Even though I thoroughly enjoyed every single second of this very sexy read, I found myself wishing that one particular secondary storyline had been explored in greater depth, capitalising on the angsty emotions it could have stirred in readers, rather than being wrapped up quickly, and too easily, even though it represented the nail-biting climax we had been waiting for from the start. It did not affect my enjoyment of the story, however, just left me hungry for more in that regard.

I’ve known for quite some time now that this author can write scorching sex like nobody’s business, and this book just proved that once more. But regardless of that very appealing fact, if you’re looking for a tantalising read, a story of finding your perfect match in life who empowers you to be the person you were meant to be, and make you feel safe to believe in a ‘forever’, a story that stirs up the romantic in you and satisfies a need for kink, look no further. And you might even walk away from it like me, thinking that perhaps three is never a crowd…or four for that matter.

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I’d asked if she wanted me to ruin her, and she’d done it to me.

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Blindfold Club - Recommended Reading Order

(standalone stories with interconnected characters)

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