A brand new standalone, falling for my older brother’s best friend romance is coming from Whitney G. and we have the sexy cover!

Subject: Delete this message after you read it…
Dear Hayley,
I’m assuming you’re still hungover, so I’ll make this brief.
Last night, you slipped under my sheets (without my permission), and we almost had sex. I got the hell out of the bed once I realized it was you, and I took you home.
That’s the story.
The end.
Just in case you’ve forgotten, you’re my best friend’s little sister. We will never be anything more. (We can’t be anything more.) Our previous friendship is still unresolved–or “over” in your terms, so I’d prefer if we worked on becoming ‘just friends’ again since you’re in town.
Nonetheless, I’m not a man who leaves questions unanswered–even the drunken ones, so to properly close our inappropriate conversation:
1) Yes, I liked the way your lips felt against mine when you were on top of me.
2) Yes, I do “prefer” rough sex, but I’m pretty sure I wasn’t rough with you.
3) No, I had no idea you were still a virgin…
This message never happened,
A brand new standalone, falling for my older brother’s best friend romance is coming from Whitney G. and we have the sexy cover!
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