The second book in Kindle Alexander’s Tattoos and Ties series is coming next month, and we have the gorgeous cover, as well as a little sneak peek. I absolutely loved the first instalment in Alec and Keyes’ story and can’t wait for the continuation of their story!

They came from two different worlds.
Fuck. Keyes’s eyes closed as the illusion that they’d somehow found their balance began to shatter. The pain in his chest grew, hurting on a level he couldn’t quite absorb, and that said a lot since his parents had really done a number on him as a kid.
He had seen enough about the world to know words like I love you were a conditional misconception, something said by people who didn’t understand what life was about. Keyes was never going to be good enough for Alec’s world, and at some point, Alec would get tired of isolating himself inside this house. Keyes couldn’t even imagine a time they could ever go out in public together. If for some unseen reason that time came, what the fuck would they do?
If the situation wasn’t so damned dire, he’d laugh at the mental image of Alec at a club BBQ. Club whores hanging out with Alec Peirce… What a fucking joke. His bothers would never understand whatever this was between him and the attorney.
Resentment and anger slithered up his spine and coiled around his heart. Fuck, if he wasn’t so much more comfortable with those emotions.
Nothing had changed between them. They were a good time, nothing more. Fuck his heart’s vehement denial. Where his heart and his head completely agreed, there was no way a good guy like Alec would continue to love him if he ever found out the truth of everything Keyes had done in his life. Hell, he’d been on a drug run less than a week ago. Alec wouldn’t understand why he did the things he had.
No matter what happened right now, their end didn’t change. They didn’t fit no matter how much he wished they did. White hot pain lanced through the useless organ in his chest. It hurt so fucking bad to think of Alec leaving him.
“Babe, your heart’s pounding,” Alec murmured, laying a warm hand dead center of his chest. Whatever Alec felt caused him to lift his head and open his eyes wider. “What’s going on? Are you okay?”
This was too much. How could he have let hope, of all things, cloud his reality? Hope and fairytales went hand in hand, both big fucking wastes of mind-space. He wanted to cry, which pissed him off even more. Thank God for the burst of anger, because now the bullshit pain wasn’t the only thing driving him. Keyes bucked his body out from underneath Alec’s and flipped the covers off, sending his phone flying. He literally jumped out of bed, making a beeline for his jeans draped over the bedroom chair. He shoved his feet in the legs of his jeans, forgoing his underwear. He needed out of this house. He couldn’t fucking breathe. He needed to be back in his world, back to what he knew, and never venture out again.
Luckily, Alec had removed his jeans in such a way that his keys, wallet, and belt were still in place. Keyes shoved his dick inside, zipping himself up as the memory of the unspoken need darkening Alec’s eyes when he’d arrived last night sent his rage skyrocketing. He didn’t get the jeans much more than zipped when he dropped down in the chair and started to shove his sockless feet inside his dirty work boots.
“What’s happened, Key?” Alec asked, his tone even but on the controlled edge of panic. Keyes looked up to catch Alec pulling on his athletic shorts which spoke volumes about the gravity of the situation.