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Following the sudden death of his wife, Nathan Bell has spent nearly two years burying himself in work and neglecting his biggest responsibility: his daughter. Overcome with guilt, he wants to connect with little Marley, but he doesn’t know how to do it alone. And then Jenna Savage throws him a lifeline.
A single mom of twins, Jenna is more than capable of taking care of Nate’s adorable two-year-old, and wants to help Nathan however she can. Soon, attachments are made, forcing Jenna and her kids into new territory. And the closer everyone becomes, the more right it feels.
Falling in love forces Nathan to face his biggest fear, and when hearts, both big and little, are on the line, the only thing scarier than needing someone is losing them all.


J. Daniels

Expected Release Date: 8 October 2019

Book Series: 

Two single parents and three adorable kids are about to have a summer they’ll never forget in J. Daniels’ heartwarming new novel in the Dirty Deeds series, and I have a sneak peek for you.

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“Come here,” I whispered, waving Nathan into the room. Marley was already settling down again. He set the box down next to the changing table and got beside me. “She’s almost asleep.” I shifted Marley off my chest and went to pass her over, but Nathan took a step back. I fought a smile. “Take her. Here.”

“What are you doing?” he whispered back.

“I’m giving her to you so you can put her to sleep.”

“But you’re doing such a good job with it.” He gestured at his daughter. “And look at her, she likes you.”

I cocked my head.

You do it. She’s going to start screaming if you give her to me, Jenna.”

“I don’t think she will. And I need to go use the bathroom anyway…”

His gaze hardened immediately. “Oh, my God. Liar.”

I dropped my head and laughed quietly into my shoulder. Nathan smiled.

“I’ll be right here. Come on,” I encouraged, stepping beside the rocking chair. “Sit down, I’ll pass her to you.”

Hands gripping his hips, he stared at me for another breath before he finally caved and stepped forward, mumbling incoherent words of protest.

“Fine. You want to see a kid freak out in two seconds?” Nathan took a seat in the chair and gathered Marley against his chest when I bent down and handed her over. He froze stiff when she stirred, then glared up at me with an unmistakable I told you so expression.

“Rock her,” I suggested. “And rub her back. She likes that.”

Keeping his eyes on me, Nathan pitched forward slowly, gaining momentum. His back remained rigid against the wood.

I whispered in his ear, “They can sense fear. Relax.”

“How am I supposed to relax? Look at her.”

On cue, Marley squirmed and stretched her legs like she wanted to stand. She was waking up.

I put my hand on top of Nathan’s and coaxed him to rub her back. My other hand gripped the chair and rocked it.

“You’re too nervous right now. If you calm down, she’ll calm down.”

Nathan cursed under his breath. He dropped his head back against the wood and forced his breaths to slow, an action that required a lot of effort, I could tell. We rocked together. My hand remained on top of his, moving us in gentle circles. When Marley cooed and snuggled closer, his gaze snapped to mine.

I grinned and whispered, “See?” I stepped back. “Keep going.”

Nathan stared at the top of Marley’s head as he rocked her. It was as if he was witnessing something he’d never seen before. I watched them from the doorway as minutes passed.

I knew she was asleep now. And I wasn’t sure if Nathan had any intention of putting Marley in her crib anytime soon, but I wasn’t going to suggest it. They were both more than content where they were.

And God, it was such a beautiful moment.

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Dirty Deeds - Recommended Reading Order

(standalone stories with interconnected characters)

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