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Sex talk is my job. I’m an influencer. I run a popular blog where I give all kinds of dating tips, and girls all over the world thank me for helping them with their love lives.

I wish I could follow my own advice because my love life is totally dead. I just drunk texted my ex-boyfriend… except, I didn’t. That text ended up going to someone else.


This new relationship is almost picture-perfect, just like my online life. I guess I give good…text.
He doesn’t have to put up with my colorful personality—as my hot next-door neighbor describes me. Or my messy schedule.
This long-distance relationship is the best thing that’s happened to me and I plan to keep it that way.

Until we agree to meet up, and I’m freaking out.
When he meets the real me, will he hate me forever?
Or will we be one day telling our grandkids about that wrong text, right love?

EXCLUSIVE EXCERPT: Wrong Text, Right Love

Claudia Burgoa

Expected Release Date: 11 June 2020

Book Series: 

An all-new Romantic Comedy, featuring two secret lovers who prepare to risk it all for love, is out this week from author Claudia Burgoa, and I have a little sneak peek for you.

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Joy: Are we allowed to see other people?

Lang: Yes, but not to date-text other people. We are texting—steadily.

Joy: I’ve never gone steady via text. This is… I mean, we just met, and how do I know we are the right fit?

Lang: Well, you can always wait for something better. Maybe it is right around the corner. Just know, if the occasion arises … I’ll make sure it fits.

Joy: No dirty texts. I’m watching you.

Lang: You walked right into it, Baby.

Joy: Ugh… Maybe we are not right for each other. But what if I spend my whole life waiting?

Lang: I hope you don’t change your mind. We could be great together. I could promise that no one will text you the way I do.

Joy: Fine. I’d rather give this a shot than live the rest of my life textless.

Lang: I like you, Joy. You are refreshing.

Joy: It’s a gift—and I like you too.

Lang: How was your week?

Joy: It was long. There’s a lot of stuff going on in my mind, and when that happens, I spend a long time working.

Lang: What do you like to do when you aren’t busy?

Joy: Hmm, let see. I like to read. Sometimes, I read a classic book in several different languages—that takes me about a year. It’s interesting to see how some translations are almost perfect, while others are not as close to the original version.

Joy: How about you? What do you like to do on your free days?

Lang: Wow, I got myself a smart texter. Maybe we’ll be in a relationship where we can talk a very dirty version of Jane Austen’s classics.

Joy: :wink: :flustered face:

Joy: Don’t ignore my question, what do you do with your free time?

Lang: I’m always busy. Like you, sometimes I get engrossed with work, and I spend hours if not days testing, changing… I have a confession. I’m a workaholic. But that’s enough about work. Where are you?

Joy: I’m at the Botanical Garden.

Lang: Which one?

Joy: Downtown. It was between that or the zoo. What about you?

Lang: I’m at Garden of the Gods. Just finished climbing.

Joy: I never thought about going there to climb. We usually hike there and then go to Manitou Springs shopping. I should tell my brother. He’s the only one who would go with me.

Lang: What are your favorite things?

Joy: Precipitation. I know it’s so random, but I love to watch the rain and the snow fall. The scent of flowers. Except the Titan Flower.

Lang: Which one is that?

Joy: It’s the one that smells like a rotting corpse. My parents took us to see one in bloom. They only last about 24 hours open. 48, if you are lucky.

Lang: Why would you want to see and smell a flower that reeks and doesn’t last for too long?

Joy: It’s an experience. I guess that’s another one of my favorite things: to experience the world. What about you?

Lang: Favorite things … figuring out how things work. I used to take apart electronics to see what each component looked like and what it did. Then, I’d put it back together. Sometimes, I would combine appliances. My father didn’t love it.  

Joy: You recreated Frankenstein’s monster out of kitchen appliances?

Lang: It was entertaining, but never worked out.

Lang: And I wasn’t going for Frankenstein. More like a waffle-blender machine, or a toaster-mixer gadget. I built my first computer at thirteen.

Joy: Most children would be proud of joyriding at that age—after borrowing their parent’s car without permission. Apparently, you weren’t most children.

Lang: That’s what my father used to say. It drove him insane. That doesn’t mean I didn’t steal his bike, or his car, or the boat. We were a lot younger than thirteen. I hung out with my brother—a lot. He followed the school of Evel Knievel.

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Against All Odds - Recommended Reading Order

(standalone stories with interconnected characters)

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