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The first time I meet Madison Shore, I’m greeted by her knickers. She’s upside down and trying to untangle herself from my chair at a wedding.

I get to see a whole lot more of her later that night.

The second time I meet Madison Shore is in my London office. Turns out she’s a journalist writing an article about me. To keep control of my company, I need to convince people I’m more serious about business than my playboy reputation suggests. Madison holds my future in her hands.

Now I just need to convince the woman I took to bed on Saturday night that I’m not the player everyone thinks I am.


Louise Bay


Book Series: 

An all-new billionaire romance is out this week from Louise Bay, and I have an awesome excerpt for you. It’s the scene where the hero and the heroine, Nathan and Madison, meet for the first time, sitting next to each other at a wedding.

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Quirky wasn’t usually my type, but there was something about Madison Shore that made my mouth water and my fingers heat with a need to touch. Maybe this wedding wouldn’t be so bad after all.

She looked away from me, picked up the glass of tequila, and held it to her luscious, full red lips.

“Slowly,” I said, trailing my eyes down to her chest and then back up to that mouth, which seemed to have some kind of magnetic pull. “Just coat your lips at first and taste it with the tip of your tongue.”

I had a few more ideas of what she could do with her tongue when she was done with the tequila.

I enjoyed women who presented a challenge, who didn’t giggle as soon as we were introduced. Whether I was going to sleep with a woman for a night or a week, I always preferred someone who gave as good as she got. I’d found that who a woman was fully clothed often translated to how she was naked—and I didn’t like to sleep with passive women.

Madison wasn’t going to be like that. Those luscious auburn curls would bounce as she rode me. Those red lips would look perfect wrapped around my cock as she swallowed me deep and those breasts . . . I pushed down a groan that rumbled in my chest.

Her eyebrows pulled together in suspicion. Tentatively, she took a tiny sip from the glass. She shot me a look as if she were convinced that I was playing a trick on her and snakes were about to slide from the glass.

If we weren’t in public . . . I’d press her up against the wall and kiss that suspicion right out of her.

Her eyes widened as the tequila coated her lips, and she lowered her glass. “It’s okay.”

I chuckled. It was more than okay.

“You like this better than the wine?” she asked.

The wine was fine. But this tequila . . . Asombroso’s Del Porto . . . This was better than most things I put in my mouth.

Women aside.

Madison took another sip and I exhaled, letting my shoulders drop and the stress of my earlier phone call slide away. There was nothing I could do about it until tomorrow, so I may as well enjoy this afternoon.

And tonight.

With Madison.

The wedding was private—no paparazzi to witness anything. I wasn’t working. Madison was beautiful, feisty, and sitting next to me. All the ingredients of a perfect evening.

“Okay,” she said. “It’s good, I’ll admit that. But we’re eating chicken. I’m not sure it goes with this.”

“It goes with everything,” I replied.

“Do you always have to have the last word?” she asked and then took a forkful of chicken.

“In some settings,” I replied, thinking about the last time I hadn’t gotten the last word at Astro Holdings.

“How do you know Noah and Truly?” I asked.

A grin unraveled across her face so wide and warm the air around us seemed to heat. I couldn’t help myself from smiling in response. “You’re small-talking,” she said. “I’m proud of you.”

“I’ll expect a certificate if I make it through the entire evening.”

“Maybe we’ll be through the small talk by then. You never know—we might be mere moments away from confessing our darkest secrets, connecting on a deeper level.”

“Or we might end up naked, connecting on a physical level,” I replied casually, as if I’d told her it looked like it might rain tomorrow.

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Players - Recommended Reading Order

(standalone stories with interconnected characters)


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