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Logan Murdoch is a fighter, a survivor, and a provider. When he leaves a distinguished career in the Marine Corps to work security at a luxury beachfront resort, he’s got one objective: pay his father’s mounting medical bills. That means Connor Harcourt, the irresistibly handsome scion of the wealthy family that owns Sapphire Cove, is strictly off limits, despite his sassy swagger and beautiful blue eyes. Logan’s life is all about sacrifices; Connor is privilege personified. But temptation is a beast that demands to be fed, and a furtive kiss ignites instant passion, forcing Logan to slam the brakes. Hard.

Haunted by their frustrated attraction, the two men find themselves hurled back together when a headline-making scandal threatens to ruin the resort they both love. This time, there’s no easy escape from the magnetic pull of their white-hot desire. Will saving Sapphire Cove help forge the union they crave, or will it drive them apart once more?


Christopher Rice (writing as C. Travis Rice)

Expected Release Date: 1 March 2022

Book Series: 

Christopher Rice is launching both a brand new pen name and series next week, transporting us to a luxury beachfront resort on the sparkling Southern California coast, and I have a little sneak peek for you from the first book in this steamy new series. From the story, to the flawless writing, to the skin-tingling angst, this story is simply marvellous, and it’s already one of my favourite books of the year.

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Logan knew it was the perfect kiss a second in. Perfect because he had no awkward awareness of Connor’s lips or tongue or his own. No sense that their mouths had come together at the wrong angle and they needed to awkwardly adjust if they were going to keep going. Connor yielded to him perfectly, as if he sensed how hard the hunger inside of Logan had surged and was willing to let it carry him like the foam riding a wave. He smelled like a heady combination of citrus and sandalwood, accented with a hint of masculine musk from his time on the dance floor that said promising things about all the other delicious smells and tastes his body might offer.

Occasionally, Connor pulled back from their kiss, but he didn’t break it. They were slight, these moves, and each time he brought his mouth back to Logan’s, the kiss was just as passionate, just as potent. These breaks weren’t moments of hesitation or doubt or breathlessness. He was recharging himself so he could give Logan more on each return.

He brought his tongue to the underside of Connor’s earlobe and licked, waiting for a full-body response. With one arm curved around Logan’s back and the other kneading the bulge of his cock, Connor held on for dear life, but the wave of bliss Logan was looking for hadn’t come yet. Logan bit Connor’s earlobe gently. Still it didn’t come.

There’s always a spot. Every neck has a spot, and so help me God, I’m going to find his.

Lower, down the nape of his neck. Long, wet, hungry licks until Connor let out a gasping cry, back arching, the pleasure so intense his grip on Logan’s cock weakened as the grip on his back tightened so he wouldn’t wobble off his feet.

Logan sucked. Hard. Savoring the sound of Connor Harcourt’s stuttering moans laced with high, gasping breaths. Assaulting the tender, vulnerable nerve with focus. Backed them slowly up to the rail until Connor’s back rested against it, allowing him to go even more limp in Logan’s embrace. If he didn’t let up, Logan was going to blow right there in his uniform khakis. Then Connor lifted one leg and curled it around Logan’s waist.

He drew back so he could look into Connor’s eyes. They were lust glazed. And there it was, the sight he’d craved. Connor’s moist lips as he gasped for breath, his pretty blond hair passion tousled.

“Hey, Jarhead, where you at? GM wants you in his office STAT.”


There were few voices he would have wanted to hear in his ear less in that moment than Buddy’s.

Connor, it seemed, had heard the crackle in Logan’s earpiece too.

Now his groan was pained, disappointed, as he rested his forehead on Logan’s shoulder as if to console them both.

“Shit,” Logan whispered.

“Yeah, duty calls.” Connor’s words, however official in substance, sounded weak coming on a voice still thick with desire.

And for a minute, he thought about not answering the call.

For a minute, he even thought about chucking this job altogether so he’d have the freedom to fan the explosive little fire he and Connor Harcourt had started down here in the sea-spray misted dark.

But then he remembered the dad who was waiting for him at home, prone on the sofa before bad reality television, the crutches he refused to use resting on the wall beside him. The doctor’s bills that were weeks overdue. The physical therapist’s bills that would come due if his dad ever wanted to walk again without a limp. He remembered all sorts of things that made his skin go suddenly cold against Connor’s delicious, inviting warmth.

“You need to go,” Connor whispered into his ear. “I understand.”

But I don’t. I don’t understand how I could have found someone so perfect in the worst of circumstances.

Slowly, he pulled himself free. Rested their noses together, saw Connor’s eyes were as open as his. Good. He could see Logan’s anger and agony and how much he didn’t want to leave this cave. But maybe he could also see how this interruption had brought the awareness of all the consequences back in a flood.

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Sapphire Cove - Recommended Reading Order

(standalone stories with interconnected characters)

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