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What a rare gem of a story! With an almost dreamlike, fairy-tale quality to her every word, Mia Sheridan weaves a hauntingly beautiful tapestry of darkness and light, love and loss, pain and atonement, with a tale that transports the reader to a place where true love never dies, and where a spark of hope can find its way through even the smallest of cracks in an old, stone wall. Set against the vivid background of the mystical city of New Orleans, this is the story of two lonely hearts who find safe harbour in each other’s arms, but as they work together to unlock a mystery from the past, they begin to discover that the greatest battles sometimes lie within us, and that is where they must be fought. As always, Mia Sheridan’s storytelling is exquisite, transcendent, soulful, and just stunning.


There are many authors I love, but only a handful I’d cancel Christmas for if one of their books was releasing on that day, and Nicola Rendell is one of those precious few for me. A rare and gifted storyteller, her stories are always so unique, so electric, so utterly satisfying in every possible way, but it is her whimsical writing style, the palpable magic between her characters, and her flair for making the ordinary extraordinary that have turned every one of her books into a treasured reading experience for me. As always, I was smitten from the very first page, and having now read this book twice in as many days, I just know that this is one of those books I’d want with me if I were ever stranded on a deserted island.


Every time I start reading a new Devney Perry book, I am instantly reminded of how much I love her writing style, and how polished her stories always are. We are back in Lark Cove, Montana with a heartfelt tale of loss, healing, true love, and second chances at finding happiness, and quite possibly one of Perry’s most emotional—and sometimes painful—romances to date. There are SO many unexpected, heart-stopping moments in this story, and the author takes her time revealing every single one of them, letting it all unfold at a perfect pace. There are moments that are hard to read, and even harder to overcome, but Devney Perry’s keen-eyed ability to deliver a compelling, multi-faceted human tale through her characters is the very reason her books continue to feed my soul.


We are back in charming small-town Vermont with another dazzling romance from an author who never fails to impress or reaffirm my love of her every written word. Sarina Bowen takes us back to her True North world with a tale of first love, belonging, second chances, and forgiveness. This is one of those novels that’s the whole package in every possible way—it’s sexy, it’s nostalgic, it’s moving, it’s romantic, but most importantly, it finally gives us Benito Rossi’s story.


A whirlwind romance set on the sandy shores of Long Beach, New York, this story is the perfect portrayal of the sweet naivety and rapturous abandon of youth, where every emotion is amplified, every declaration is exaggeratedly sentimental, and a chance encounter between two strangers quickly spirals into a heated love affair of the everlasting kind. This is a read-in-one-sitting kind of book that I’d want to lose myself in on any given day.


We’ve all fallen head over heels for a sexy rockstar romance at one point or another, but given the ‘ultimate fantasy’ element of the genre, it is not all too common for these stories to veer off course too much and REALLY explore the emotional cost of the rockstar lifestyle, too, or how fame can become synonymous with addiction, isolation, and mental illness. Yet that is exactly what we get as we return to Kristen Callihan’s VIP series with the story of a larger-than-life hero whose demons constantly threaten to bring him down, and a heroine who hides her own loneliness behind a smile. But, as one would expect from this brilliant author, this is far from a bleak book. It’s a beautiful love story, first and foremost, and only secondly, a powerful tale of two people finding acceptance within themselves and with one another.


This book has completely stolen my heart. Scarlett Peckham’s voice is truly exquisite—polished, incisive, yet tenderly rich in emotions—and I fell in love with her radiant prose within a matter of pages. She hits all the classic historical romance buttons—the Duke in need of a wife, the indomitable heroine set on preserving her independence, a marriage of convenience that grows into something more—but injects the story with a variety of human emotions which turn it into something rare and breathtaking. One of the most romantic tales of love and devotion I’ve ever come across, laced with moments both heartbreakingly tragic and joyous, this is a book I wish I could read for the first time over and over again.


Samantha Young’s latest romance is the quintessential escapist read—a flirty, funny, yet incredibly emotionally resonant love story that sinks its hooks into your heart and makes you both laugh and cry. What starts off as a light-hearted, banter-filled battle of wits quickly evolves into a touching story about love, connection, and new beginnings, turning an enemies-to-lovers trope with an unrequited love twist into so much more.


Bookish News

From Mariana Zapata, the queen of the slow burn and delayed gratification, we are only days away from another one of her unforgettable romances, but you can read the first two chapters right here.


A highly-anticipated standalone ‘arranged marriage’ novel is coming from L.J. Shen on Jan 9, and we have the gorgeous cover.


We have the cover of the upcoming novel set in J.R. Ward‘s Black Dagger Brotherhood world, releasing on Jan 7.


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New & Upcoming Releases; Bookish News; Latest Top Recommendations

4 December, 2018



“Sometimes love happens when you least expect it.” That was what my husband’s mistress told me the day I found out about their affair.

I didn’t believe it until five minutes later when mouth-watering celebrity chef Tanner Reese walked up, tossed his arm around my shoulders, and told my cheating husband to take a hike.

Tanner and I couldn’t have been more different. He spent his weekends at clubs, rubbing elbows with fellow A-listers. I spent mine in yoga pants with cheese boards and a glass of wine—or six.

Our relationship shouldn’t have worked, but it did. That is until Tanner proved to me that even though love happens when you least expect it…

So does heartbreak.

This is a standalone spin-off story from The Darkest Sunrise duet.

Click to Read An Excerpt

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Dr. Russell has a bad reputation around our hospital. The scrub techs say he’s cold-blooded, the nurses say he’s too cocky for his own good, and the residents say he’s the best surgeon in the world—really, just a swell guy!—on the off chance he’s within earshot.

I try to avoid him and his temper at all costs. It’s just as easy to admire his sexy, grip-it-while-he’s-ravishing-you hair and chiseled jaw from a healthy distance, preferably from the other end of the hallway…half-hidden behind a plant.

Unfortunately, my plan crumbles when my trusty ol’ boss decides to swap his white coat for a Hawaiian shirt. His retirement leaves me with two terrible options: switch specialties and spend months retraining, or take an open position as Dr. Russell’s surgical assistant.

That means I have to stand near him in the OR for hours on end and anticipate his every need without letting his biting words and bad attitude intimidate me. Oh, and as if that’s not difficult enough, my silly crush on him—the one I’ve tried to stomp on until it disappears—might just be reciprocated.

It’s fine.
I’m fine.

I take my job seriously. There will be no smoldering bedroom eyes across the operating table, no angry almost-kisses in the supply closet. (Well, no more of those.)

What’s the phrase? An apple a day keeps the doctor away?
Maybe I should go for a whole damn bushel.

This is a standalone Romantic Comedy novel.

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People call me callous. Arrogant. Ruthless.

I call myself tenacious.
One of the most powerful attorneys in Charleston, I don’t let anyone or anything stand in my way.
Until a chance encounter changes everything.

One glance.
One touch.
One night.
It only leaves me wanting more.

But Grace is off limits. Most people would even say forbidden.
Everyone knows an attorney can’t sleep with his client.
Too bad I already did.

And even with the threat of losing everything, I don’t know if I can stop myself from having her again…

This is a standalone novel in the Confessions of the Heart series.

Series recommended reading order: More of You | All of Me

Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon CA | Amazon AU | Paperback


It’s really hard to save a guy’s life when he keeps running from you.

You might be asking yourself why I’m waving an inflatable penis in the air and screaming at the top of my lungs. If I took time to explain, Declan Moss would get hit by a bus.

Let me back up. I didn’t ask for this. I was perfectly happy—and perfectly sane—before I was tasked with keeping Declan Moss alive. It was a thankless job until the moment that my panties dropped and his delicious smirk found his way in between my thighs.

Hello, toe-curling ecstasy. Goodbye, professional boundaries. And suddenly, there’s a new danger to avoid: the falling of my heart.

This is a standalone novel.

Click to Read An Excerpt

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Millie Morris has always been one of the guys. A UC Santa Barbara professor, she’s a female-serial-killer expert who’s quick with a deflection joke and terrible at getting personal. And she, just like her four best guy friends and fellow professors, is perma-single.

So when a routine university function turns into a black tie gala, Mille and her circle make a pact that they’ll join an online dating service to find plus-ones for the event. There’s only one hitch: after making the pact, Millie and one of the guys, Reid Campbell, secretly spend the sexiest half-night of their lives together, but mutually decide the friendship would be better off strictly platonic.

But online dating isn’t for the faint of heart. While the guys are inundated with quality matches and potential dates, Millie’s first profile attempt garners nothing but dick pics and creepers. Enter “Catherine”—Millie’s fictional profile persona, in whose make-believe shoes she can be more vulnerable than she’s ever been in person. Soon “Catherine” and Reid strike up a digital pen-pal-ship…but Millie can’t resist temptation in real life, either. Soon, Millie will have to face her worst fear—intimacy—or risk losing her best friend, forever.

This is a standalone Romantic Comedy novel.

Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon CA | Amazon AU | iBooks | Paperback | Audio


A one-night stand with the boss was never in her plans. Neither was falling in love . . .

The rumors are true. I’m a hot mess with an awful track record at love. Single mom. Down on her luck. Yeah, I’m bad news.

If the hardest part of moving back home to Jackson Harbor was going to be people talking, I’d be fine. I’ve kept my chin up through worse than their decade-old gossip.

I was wrong. The hardest part is resisting my boss. Brayden Jackson is the very picture of tall, dark, and handsome. And thanks to an ill-advised one-night stand we had seven months ago, I know exactly what I’m missing when I turn him down. Every. Single. Delicious. Inch.

But I have my son to care for and my job to keep, so I’ll keep on saying no.

Until my string of bad luck continues, and suddenly my precious four-year-old and I find ourselves with nowhere to live. At Christmas, no less. It’s for my son that I accept Brayden’s offer to stay at his place. One by one, my defenses are falling, as fast as I am. If Brayden was smart, he’d run, because it’s only a matter of time before he realizes he deserves better than what a girl like me can offer.

Unless, for once, my bad luck is leading me exactly where I need to be.

This is the fourth book in series of interconnected standalone novels.

Series recommended reading order: The Wrong Kind of LoveStraight Up Love | Dirty, Reckless LoveWrapped in Love

Click to Read An Excerpt

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The one day English teacher Reagan Wild is late for work—and looks like she dressed herself in the dark—she remembers Carter Anthony, a well-known football star, is coming to the school to deliver a talk to her overexcited students.

While Reagan knows Carter from her high school days, since he was her past crush, she wasn’t ready to see him again. At the time, she hated being invisible. But right now, she wished she could simply disappear.

Carter Anthony is keen to give back to his hometown, but what he doesn’t expect is getting something in return. When a chance encounter with Reagan, the shy girl from his past, happens, he knows instinctively this woman is supposed to be in his life.

With an embarrassing ability to blurt out whatever’s on her mind, Reagan doesn’t understand Carter’s attention. She has no doubt, though, he’ll soon realize his mistake when he discovers just how crazy she and her family are. But no matter what he sees, what he hears, or how her looney family behaves, he doesn’t run. In fact, Carter’s family seem just as unique as hers.

Through dog poop, naked yoga, and the paparazzi’s, can Carter and Reagan have any hope in love, even when it’s fumbled?

This is a standalone novel.

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Eleven years together and today I find out . . .

I don’t know the first thing about the man I’m sleeping beside every night.

My marriage is built on a bed of lies . . . Nothing is real.

Each day I’m barely surviving, falling deeper into despair and loneliness.

Meeting Hayes Taylor is not in my plan.
Younger, beautiful and broken—just like me. I feel a connection with him I’ve never experienced before. But I am a married woman, and cheating isn’t in my DNA. I ignore the sexual tension between us and push him away.

And like most women, I stay in my marriage for my kids.

But my husband not only manipulates, he keeps secrets I’m not prepared for. Secrets that may destroy me . . .

This is not only my fight song, this is my journey to discover love.

This is a standalone novel.

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The sweet little songbird’s in my cage now.

She owes the Family money. Big money. And I’m the guy they sent to put the squeeze on her. So now she’s playing at my casino.

Strutting around on my stage in her tight little shorts. Killing me softly.

I promised she’ll be treated with respect, so long as she does as she’s told.

But I didn’t count on her barging in my office and tempting me, begging for a taste of my authority.

I didn’t count on her getting under my skin.

And the last thing I want is to see her debt paid.

Because then I’d have to set her free…

This is a standalone novel in the Vegas Underground series.

Series recommended reading order: King of DiamondsJack of SpadesAce of Hearts

Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon CA | Amazon AU | Paperback

Brooke Devereaux has a lot she wants to escape from: a career she never asked for, a future she doesn’t want, and parents who’ve only ever seen her as a business opportunity. But in her desire to experience life, she quickly realizes she’s lacking in one very important skill—how to survive on her own.

Former soldier Cole Timmons is an expert at running away. Whether it’s from his rural hometown, alcoholic father, or painful memories, Cole doesn’t hesitate to leave… Until he encounters an out-of-place woman at a gas station in the middle of nowhere. The wealthy “princess” couldn’t be more different from the country loner, and the pair get off to a rocky and misadventurous start.

But sometimes exteriors are armors meant to deceive. Sometimes what’s beneath reveals more than anyone ever realized. Sometimes, in order to stop running away, a person simply needs to find something to run toward.

This is the seventeenth book in the Misadventures series of spicy standalone novels, each written or co-written by some of the best names in romance. These romances can be read in any order.

Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon CA | Amazon AU | iBooks | Paperback | Audio


Lowen Ashleigh is a struggling writer on the brink of financial ruin when she accepts the job offer of a lifetime. Jeremy Crawford, husband of bestselling author Verity Crawford, has hired Lowen to complete the remaining books in a successful series his injured wife is unable to finish.

Lowen arrives at the Crawford home, ready to sort through years of Verity’s notes and outlines, hoping to find enough material to get her started. What Lowen doesn’t expect to uncover in the chaotic office is an unfinished autobiography Verity never intended for anyone to read. Page after page of bone-chilling admissions, including Verity’s recollection of the night their family was forever altered.

Lowen decides to keep the manuscript hidden from Jeremy, knowing its contents would devastate the already grieving father. But as Lowen’s feelings for Jeremy begin to intensify, she recognizes all the ways she could benefit if he were to read his wife’s words. After all, no matter how devoted Jeremy is to his injured wife, a truth this horrifying would make it impossible for him to continue to love her.

This is a standalone novel.

Click to Read An Excerpt

Amazon US | Amazon CA | Apple Books | Audio


A promise written on a coaster.
A lost night in a dark room.
Grayson Cole was my brother’s best friend.
He was all of my firsts.
Then he went away…

Drew Harris was just a kid, a senior in high school, my best friend’s little sister.
They said she was too young to know her feelings. I was too old to have them, so I left to join the military.

Four years passed. Loss, injury, angry words I can never take back.
I’m home, but I’m not the same.
Neither is she.

Now she’s a woman with flashing blue eyes, long blonde hair, and gorgeous curves.
She’s the same sweet smile, the same sassy mouth…
I could never say No to her before.
I should say No for her sake. She deserves better than what I’ve become, scarred and damaged.

“They told me to stay away from you.
I went away to try… God, I tried.
Now everything has changed. I’m back, and I’ll do whatever it takes to make you mine…”

This is a standalone novel.

Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon CA | Amazon AU | Paperback


A bodyguard, a beauty, and a bet.

“I’m hiring you to do more than guard her, Zander,” my new boss explained. “You’re gonna be her rock. Her human Valium. Her trusted friend. And she’s gonna be your mission from God.”

“So I’m her babysitter?”

“Her babysitter, her bodyguard, her f*cking service doggie. Whatever she needs or wants, that’s what you’ll be. Anything except her booty call.” The vein in my new boss’s neck bulged. “Touch her and I’ll do more than fire your ass, Zander. I’ll rip off your balls.”

My buddies laughed when I told them about my ridiculous new job. They said, “Three months on a tour with a world famous beauty, glued to her hip, catering to her every whim? A hundred bucks says you’re gonna break down and bang her within the first month.”

But I said nope. No way. Never. “I’m a professional,” I said. “Plus, she’s not even my type. And I’m just getting over a broken heart. It’s never gonna happen.”

So I put my money where my mouth was, figuring I’d laugh all the way to the bank. I never thought I’d actually fall in love with the girl. Or that she’d become my reason for breathing.

The job, the bet, the girl. It was nothing but fun and games . . . until it became dead serious.

This is the fourth book in The Morgan Brothers series of standalone novels with interconnected characters.

Series recommended reading order: Hero | Captain | Ball Peen HammerMister Bodyguard

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I am…

That’s no longer an easy statement.

Who am I?

Since Sterling Sparrow, a man so handsome he takes my breath away and so infuriating he pushes me in ways I’ve never known, came barreling into my life like a category five hurricane, I can’t even finish that simple statement.

In twenty-six years I’ve lived three lives—been three different people.

Renee. Kennedy. And now, Araneae.

They say that I was named after the spider to make me resilient.

Sparrow would then be a bird.

Birds eat spiders.

I prefer to consider myself a cat. It ups my chance of surviving the world I’m now living.

Maybe that’s only wishful thinking because according to Sterling, my number of lives is running out.

There are people who want to harm me, to learn the secrets they claim that I possess.

The only person to offer me protection is Sterling Sparrow.

Can I trust a man who willingly put me in the sight of danger?

What is real?

What are lies?

This is the second book in the Web of Sin trilogy.

Series reading order: Secrets | Lies | Promises (8 Jan 2019)

Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon CA | Amazon AU | iBooks | Paperback


They look like an everyday family living an ordinary life. But beyond the edges of this peaceful farm, unimaginable forces of light and dark have been unleashed.

Fallon Swift, approaching her thirteenth birthday, barely knows the world that existed before—the city where her parents lived, now in ruins and reclaimed by nature since the Doom sickened and killed billions. Traveling anywhere is a danger, as vicious gangs of Raiders and fanatics called Purity Warriors search for their next victim. Those like Fallon, in possession of gifts, are hunted—and the time is coming when her true nature, her identity as The One, can no longer be hidden.

In a mysterious shelter in the forest, her training is about to begin under the guidance of Mallick, whose skills have been honed over centuries. She will learn the old ways of healing; study and spar; encounter faeries and elves and shifters; and find powers within herself she never imagined. And when the time is right, she will take up the sword, and fight. For until she grows into the woman she was born to be, the world outside will never be whole again.

This is the second book in the Chronicles of the One series.

Series reading order: Year OneOf Blood and Bone

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Being bad never felt so good.

I fell for Ally the moment I saw her. Who doesn’t like a confident, intelligent woman with curves I could spend days exploring?

Who am I kidding?
I have.
Many times.

Our story ended abruptly when she packed her bags and left like we weren’t meant to be. We are. So I’m calling her bluff. That’s how I ended up thousands of miles from home, standing next to a man who claims to be her fiancé.

Being good has never felt so bad.

When it comes to a successful man with an incredible body and biteable jaw aka Hutton . . . let’s just say willpower is not my strong suit.

Need more?
Try bad-boy American.
You’re welcome.

Embracing my newfound good girl status, I do the right thing to start my reign. My desires no longer matter. The monarchy, the people, and my country do. There is no place for love in this new life. But I never expected to see him again, much less standing next to my royally appointed soon-to-be fiancé.

As if that didn’t complicate things, he’s wearing a perfectly tailored tuxedo and my favorite smirk. I straighten my crown and adjust my dress, realizing this good girl never stood a chance. I’ll take the bad reputation if I get him.

This is a standalone novel.

Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon CA | Amazon AU | Paperback

Kip Carmichael is no pretty boy.

He’s a rough. Dirty. Giant. Hair so unruly, and a beard so thick, his friends on the team call him Sasquatch.

The first time Sasquatch lays eyes on Theodora “Teddy” Johnson across the keg at a party one night on Jock Row, she’d been relegated to the sidelines by her jock hungry “friends.”

Week-after-week, he watches beautiful but bashful Teddy getting overshadowed, and overlooked. Sasquatch finally broad shoulders his way through the crowd, offering to to be her hairy godmother. But the minute their eyes meet? He’s a goner.

Teaching her the RULES for winning a jock will be the easy part. Not falling in love with her is going to be a losing game.

This is the second book in the Jock Hard series of standalone novels with interconnected characters.

Series recommended reading order: Switch Hitter (novella) | Jock Row | Jock Rule

Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon CA | Amazon AU


Something happened to her mother that night. Something no one wants to talk about. But she’s determined to uncover her family’s dark secrets, even if they bury her.

Five-year-old Sloane McBride couldn’t sleep that night. Her parents were arguing again, their harsh words heating the cool autumn air. And then there was that other sound—the ominous thump before all went quiet.

In the morning, her mother was gone.

The official story was that she left. Her loving, devoted mother! That hadn’t sat any better at the time than it did when Sloane moved out at eighteen, anxious to leave her small Texas hometown in search of anywhere else. But not even a fresh start working as a model in New York could keep the nightmares at bay. Or her fears that the domineering father she grew up with wasn’t just difficult—he was deadly.

Now another traumatic loss forces Sloane to realize she owes it to her mother to find out the truth, even if it means returning to a small town full of secrets and lies, a jilted ex-boyfriend, and a father and brother who’d rather see her silenced. But as Sloane starts digging into the past, the question isn’t whether she can uncover what really happened that night…it’s what will remain of her family if she does?

This is a standalone novel.

Amazon US | Amazon CA | iBooks | Hardcover | Audio

What if damnation is the price of true love?

Innocent blood has been spilled on the steps of the Council Hall, the sacred stronghold of the Shadowhunters.

In the wake of the tragic death of Livia Blackthorn, the Clave teeters on the brink of civil war. One fragment of the Blackthorn family flees to Los Angeles, seeking to discover the source of the disease that is destroying the race of warlocks.

Meanwhile, Julian and Emma take desperate measures to put their forbidden love aside and undertake a perilous mission to Faerie to retrieve the Black Volume of the Dead.

What they find in the Courts is a secret that may tear the Shadow World asunder and open a dark path into a future they could never have imagined.

Caught in a race against time, Emma and Julian must save the world of Shadowhunters before the deadly power of the parabatai curse destroys them and everyone they love.

This is the third and final novel in The Dark Artifices series.

Series reading order: Lady Midnight | Lord of Shadows | Queen of Air and Darkness

Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon CA | Amazon AU | iBooks | Hardcover | Audio


There was a time when Eden’s entire world revolved around Owen Forbes. They were inseparable childhood sweethearts. They planned a life together. Then, without so much as a goodbye, Owen vanished. Now, after ten years, he’s returned to town as the hottest new firefighter on the force. Whatever secrets pulled them apart, Eden can’t fight the sparks reignited by the man who broke her heart.

Owen knows he did Eden wrong. If only he could tell her why. As body meets body, he’s whispering for a second chance—wanting her back so bad it hurts. It can also be dangerous. An arsonist is targeting the small town of Edmonds, and Eden with it. And it’s Owen himself who’s become engulfed in suspicion.

Eden knows that with a past as hot and mysterious as Owen’s, their future together could go up in flames. Because the one man she’s afraid to trust is the only man she desires—and the only one who can save her.

This is the third book in the Undercover Billionaire series of interconnected standalone novels.

Series recommended reading order: Kian | Arden | Owen

Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon CA | Amazon AU | Paperback | Audio

The quaint town of Ogg’s Point rests on the rocky coasts of Maine.

Native Rutledge Raines left home with no plans of returning, but years later he is drawn back to sell his late grandmother’s house.

He never imagined the mundane task would drop the annoying but sexy Peyton Morgan into his life.

Being home forces him to remember why he left in the first place because even small towns have secrets lurking in the shadows.

When those demons are unleashed, Rut, Peyton and Ogg’s Point will never be the same.

This is a standalone novel in the all-new Ogg’s Point series.

Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon CA | Amazon AU


Z’s day begins with sadness…
A phone call from a dying friend leaves psychologist Zachary Grayson determined to fulfill the old survivalist’s request–a send-off that will comfort his grieving sons.

And then turns deadly…
The death threat is only the beginning…because the letter isn’t a hoax. Z walks out of his office into a barrage of bullets. He can take being shot at, but when the second shot splinters the empty child-seat in his car, he’s shaken to the core. The horror of what would have happened if his little girl had been there spurs him to action.

Master Z is a Dom, a husband, a father—every instinct drives him to protect those under his care. When the police can’t catch his stalker, he must take matters into his own hands.

He must keep danger far from those he loves…
Secrecy and distance is the key. The funeral in Alaska is the perfect location, especially since Z won’t be alone. The survivalist’s sons have grown into men with lethal skills. With their help, he can trap the shooter and keep his family safe.

As long as his impetuous and all-too-observant wife, Jessica, doesn’t discover he’s using himself as bait.

This is a crossover novella in the Masters of the Shadowlands series, introducing us to the upcoming Sons of the Survivalist series, coming in Jan 2019.

Series recommended reading order: Club Shadowlands | Dark Citadel | Breaking Free | Lean on Me | Make Me, Sir | To Command and Collar | This Is Who I Am | If Only | Show Me, Baby (novella)Servicing the Target | Protecting His Own (sequel to Breaking Free) | Mischief and the Masters | Beneath the Scars | Defiance (crossover novella)

Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon CA | Amazon AU | iBooks

I made a mistake.
And it wasn’t going to Paris for the semester.
It was waiting until I had one foot out the door to tell Mitch Jacobs I was leaving.
I never expected him to shatter my heart in retribution.
After all the distance, the remnants of our fight still linger. The hole he left behind still bleeds.
Now I’m back…and there’s no way I’ll be able avoid him.

I made a mistake.
Lost my temper. Said things I’m not sure I really meant.
And in the process, I lost the person who matters most along with the future we’d planned.
I’ve had four months to figure out what to say to her when she gets home. Four months to face the dreams I destroyed.
Now she’s back…and she isn’t alone.

This is a standalone novella in the Paths To Love series.

Series recommended reading order: It’s Not OverThree DatesRighting Our Wrongs (novella)

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For centuries, Galen the Treacherous has been the most hated immortal in the Underworld. With good reason! This bad boy of bad boys has lied, stolen, cheated and killed with abandon. Possessed by the demons of Jealousy and False Hope, he has always lived for a single purpose: destroy everything.

Then he met her.

Former demon turned human femme fatale — Legion Honey — sought to kill Galen, but ended up parting with her virginity instead. Afraid of their sizzling connection, she ran away…and ended up trapped in hell, tortured and abused in the worst of ways. Now she’s free, and a shell of herself, afraid of her own shadow.

Galen’s hunger for Legion has only grown. Now the warrior with nothing to lose must help her rekindle the fire that once burned inside her. But as desires blaze white-hot, will Legion run again? Or will the unlikely pair succumb to love at long last?

This is a standalone novella in the Lords of the Underworld series.

Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon CA | Amazon AU | Paperback


Garrett Coleman spent most of his adolescence crushing on Finn Sweeney—until that Ultimate Dream Guy image got obliterated during senior year. Garrett’s since gone out of his way to avoid the sexy ginger, instead throwing his energy behind his dance career while supporting his mother through her cancer diagnosis.

Finn Sweeney used to think of Garrett as just his kid brother’s best friend, but after an intense exchange at a high school party, things got a little…weird. Despite that, when their two families decide to get together for the holidays for the first time in years, Finn can’t say no. But he’s fully prepared for this to be awkward as hell.

When Finn and Garrett lay eyes on each other for the first time in their adult lives, all bets are off. Finn is completely captivated by Garrett and getting to know the man he’s become is now his top priority. Playing catch-up with Finn makes Garrett truly see him beyond the childhood fantasy he’s held onto all these years. Finn is real and vulnerable…and hot as hell.

Garrett and Finn can’t seem to keep their hands off each other, so they decide to bury the hatchet between them for the remainder of the visit.

After all, it’s only a holiday fling.

Until it becomes something more.

This is a standalone novella.

Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon CA | Amazon AU


It’s impossible to get over what we had.
He was everything – irresistibly handsome, ruthlessly elite, and seemingly untouchable – while I was nothing.
Yet he protected me when I was at my lowest; more than that, he wanted me.
He devoured me… and I did the same to him.
Until it all fell apart and I ran as far away from Madox as I could. After all, the two of us were never meant to be together.

I never thought I’d see him again, years later. Let alone be under him in the way I’ve craved since we said goodbye.

The attraction between us still burns like fire, but time can’t change the past. And I don’t know if it’s possible for us to mend all of our broken pieces.

This is a standalone novella in the Cards of Love collection.

Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon CA | Amazon AU | iBooks

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