CATEGORIES: Excerpt, Sylvain Reynard
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From the New York Times bestselling author of the Gabriel Series comes a dark, sensual tale of romance in a city shrouded in mystery…

Raven Wood spends her days at Florence’s Uffizi Gallery restoring fine works of Renaissance art. But an innocent walk home after an evening with friends changes her life forever. When she intervenes in the senseless beating of a homeless man, his attackers turn on her, dragging her into an alley. Raven is only semi-conscious when their assault is interrupted by a cacophony of growls followed by her attacker’s screams. Mercifully, she blacks out, but not before catching a glimpse of a shadowy figure who whispers to her…

Cassita vulneratus.

When Raven awakes, she is inexplicably changed. She returns to the Uffizi, but no one recognizes her and more disturbingly, she discovers that she’s been absent an entire week. With no recollection of the events leading up to her disappearance, Raven also learns that her absence coincides with one of the largest robberies in Uffizi history – the theft of a set of priceless Botticelli illustrations. When the baffled police force identifies her as its prime suspect, Raven is desperate to clear her name. She seeks out one of Florence’s wealthiest and elusive men in an attempt to uncover the truth about her disappearance. Their encounter leads Raven to a dark underworld whose inhabitants kill to keep their secrets…

EXCERPT: The Raven

Sylvain Reynard

Book Series: 

From the author of the very sensuous Gabriel’s Inferno series comes a brand new The Florentine series, and I have a little excerpt from the first book in the series…

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He looked deeply into her eyes. “You say you don’t want this, but I saw you blush. You want me to touch you. You want to be in my bed.”

“No.” She spoke defiantly.

“Convince me.”

His gray eyes dropped to her lips.

He brought his body to within a hairsbreadth of hers, but didn’t touch her. His mouth hovered close.

She waited, expecting him to kiss her.

He didn’t.

She inhaled deeply.

Still, he didn’t move.

“Cassita,” he murmured. The movement of his mouth brought their lips in contact, but only for a second.

Then his lips were on hers and he was kissing her.

His hand sifted through her long hair, cupping the back of her head. He brought their bodies together, erasing the space between them.

Then he slowed the tempo of his lips to an agonizing crawl. He pressed against her, brushing his lips across hers as if the distance were interminable and he had all the time in the world.

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