CATEGORIES: Cover Reveal, Katy Evans
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He’s not the guy you date.
He’s the one night stand.

You’d think this man who sent hot looks my way, who called me succulent, would want to strip me bare and spread me out on his bed like every other woman in Chicago.
Except, he passed on my offer….
Just like I once passed on his.
He’s wary, like I am.
He’s broken, like I am.
And everyone knows two broken parts can’t ever make a whole.
So I try to distract myself with dating.
Tahoe and I are strictly friends. He doesn’t think my new beau is good enough—he doesn’t think any man is, especially himself.
The more time Tahoe and I spend together, the more confused I feel.
I’m trying to open up to love.
But I’m quickly realizing that the only man I want is the stubborn, cocky, unattainable playboy Tahoe Roth.
The one my mother warned me about.
The one my body craves.
The only one who will surely break my heart.


Katy Evans

Expected Release Date: 26 April 2016

Book Series: 

A new standalone contemporary romance is coming from Katy Evans!! And while it is technically part of the Manwhore series, you do not need to have read Malcolm and Rachel’s story beforehand in order to fully engage with Tahoe Roth, a.k.a. Ladies Man

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Manwhore - Recommended Reading Order

(this book can be read as a standalone)

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