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Acacia Santos excels at her job as concierge at the prestigious Hotel Victoire in Paris. When her superior, Marcel, is attacked in a supposed random mugging, she is tasked with serving one of the hotel’s most mysterious and attractive guests.

Nicholas Cassirer checks into the hotel under an assumed name every three months. Usually, he stays in the penthouse suite with a beautiful female companion but on this occasion, he arrives alone and is displeased in having to deal with someone new. A match of wits ensues as he tests Acacia’s expertise with a series of almost impossible demands. Her intelligence and creativity rise to the challenge, earning his respect.

They strike a tenuous accord until Acacia discovers a famous stolen painting in his suite, she contacts a former boyfriend who works for the elite BRB, a unit of French law enforcement that deals with art thefts.

Nicholas is questioned by police and released when it is revealed the painting is a reproduction. Irked with her behavior, Acacia’s supervisor demotes her threatening dismissal and the cancellation of her work permit.

But Acacia has already attracted Nicholas’s attention. Remorseful that she may lose her job on his account, he offers her a choice – she can wait until her supervisor dismisses her, or she can leave the city of lights behind and become his personal assistant.

Acacia initially refuses his offer, but Nicholas is persistent. He reveals himself as a man who quietly acquires stolen art in order to restore it to its rightful owners. Faced with mounting familial debts and the possibility of dismissal and deportation, she agrees to work for him.

Nicholas opens up a whole new world of beauty and intrigue to Acacia as they travel the globe. Soon the line between employer and assistant is blurred, and the two lonely people embark on a passionate relationship.

EXCERPT: The Man in the Black Suit

Sylvain Reynard

Sylvain Reynard’s upcoming standalone, romantic suspense novel—The Man in the Black Suit—is releasing on 19 December 2017, and I am so excited to share a sneak peek with you.

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Nicholas’s lips were firm and determined as they spread over hers.

She clutched his biceps and kissed him back. He made a noise in his throat that sounded like desire.

Nicholas kissed her, strongly and passionately, as if his desperation had reached a fevered pitch.

Acacia felt their connection all the way down to her toes. Thoughts of propriety and professional conduct were completely forgotten. There was just Nicholas and she, fused at the mouth.

Her loneliness fled as she wrapped her arms around his neck and luxuriated in the feel of his tall, strong body against hers.

His tongue slid against the seam of her lips and she opened, humming in satisfaction. Still he cupped her face, holding her firmly but gently as she welcomed him into her mouth.

She lifted onto the tips of her toes and stroked her tongue against his. He tasted of licorice.

With a groan, he withdrew to nip at her lower lip. Fire and heat exploded between them. She could barely draw breath as he angled his head to kiss her more deeply.

A few more beats and Nicholas’s pace slowed. His hands found her hair, and he stroked her scalp.

She smiled against his lips.

Then his hands slipped to her shoulders and wound around her back. He held her so close all space between them was erased.

She leaned against him and traced the back of his neck and the tendons that led to his shoulders. All the while, their mouths and tongues explored at an unhurried pace.

Nicholas’s fingers danced along her exposed back and down to where the top edge of her underwear should have been under her nightgown. And wasn’t.

His fingers stilled.

There was a question in his eyes, but Acacia didn’t answer.

His expression was raw as he scanned her face.

She smiled.

Her smile, it seemed, was enough. Whatever concern he had retreated, and his face relaxed.

“I’ve wanted to kiss you for some time,” he confessed. His large hands spanned her lower back, just above the curve of her backside. Acacia’s skin tingled.

“You’re beautiful and charming and good,” he continued.

She rested her hands on his broad shoulders. “Don’t put me on a pedestal. I’ll fall.”

Nicholas’s dark eyes glittered. “I’ve got you, Acacia.”

She read want in his eyes. His gaze was heated as he slid both hands beneath the silk of her nightdress to grip her naked backside. His touch was firm as he kneaded the flesh. He made a noise of appreciation.

She didn’t protest. She raised herself up to capture his mouth in a brief, deep kiss before his lips moved to her neck. He was unhurried as he traced the column of her throat.

Her spine rippled in reaction. She placed gentle pressure on his neck and held him to her, as he ascended and descended her neck.

She reached around to kiss the shell of his ear. “Take me to bed.”

“I won’t deny you,” he whispered against her skin. “But I want to take my time.”

His nose skimmed her collarbone until it found the thin strap of her nightdress. He nudged it aside and pulled back so he could see her. The heat in his gaze flared at her exposed breast.


Her breasts were full, and she knew it. But Nicholas stared as if they were a revelation.

He scorched a leisurely path with his lips from her shoulder to the top of her breast, and made an appreciative sound when he reached his prize.

Acacia tugged at his hair until his mouth found her nipple. He licked it, then teased and tasted before he sucked it into his mouth.

Acacia moaned.

Nicholas continued his adoration and slid her other strap over her shoulder. He tasted her other breast as her nightdress fell to her hips.

She gasped at the cool night air against her skin, but the jolt was soon forgotten. It was difficult to concentrate on anything other than pleasure. Nicholas had a talented mouth. His lips, tongue, and teeth played with her nipples, building and feeding desire.

She liked the way she felt in his large hands as he cupped her. She liked how he continued to caress her, even while his mouth was engaged.

Acacia inhaled the scent that lifted from his skin—a clean scent that reminded her of apples.

 When he straightened, her fingers fell to the buttons of his shirt. He pulled it over his head and dropped it to the floor. Before his hands could move to his belt, she stopped him.

“I want to admire you.” She covered his pectorals with her palms and kissed the space over his heart.

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