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When her boyfriend breaks her heart Alanna goes after his older brother in a quest for revenge.

It should have been simple, until she finds out he’s her new boss.

As they work together it soon becomes clear, Silas knows more about her than he should.

Including the past she’s forgotten and the memories that evade her…and some secrets are better left buried.

EXCLUSIVE EXCERPT: Bittersweet Memories

Catharina Maura

Expected Release Date: 8 July 2022

Book Series: 

An all-new forbidden, billionaire romance is coming this week from author Catharina Maura, and I have a VERY steamy sneak peek for you.

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Silas stands behind me and looks at me through the mirror. The way he looks at me… I’ve never had a man look at me that way. His desire is on display, and he doesn’t try to hide it. His eyes trail over my body hungrily, and I bite down on my lip in an effort to control my emotions.

“Look at yourself, Alanna,” he whispers, his hands trailing up from my waist to my breasts. His thumbs graze over my nipples, and he grins. “Already turned on, and I’ve barely even touched you. Fucking look at you.”

He places his hand at the top of my dress, taking his time, teasing me. Silas smiles when he pulls the zipper on the back down, exposing my skin inch by inch. My heart is racing by the time his hand reaches my lower back. He grins at me in the mirror before leaning in and pressing a kiss to the back of my neck, sending a shiver down my spine.

He pulls away to look at me, his eyes on the mirror as he pushes the straps of my dress off my shoulder. It pools at my feet, the air cold on my bare skin. I shiver, and Silas leans in to press a kiss to my shoulder. “Beautiful,” he whispers. “You’re even more beautiful than you were in my fantasies.”

I stare at him with wide eyes, and he grins. “I’ve been wondering what you’d taste like,” he says, his hand wrapping around my throat. He tilts my head to the side and kisses me, his movements slow, sexy. His every move is powerful, filled with the promise of more.

I’m breathless by the time he pulls his lips away to move them to my neck instead. His teeth graze over my skin, and then he sucks down on my neck, leaving a mark. “I’ve been wondering what your pussy tastes like,” he tells me.

I gasp, and Silas chuckles as he turns me around to face him. “Yeah, baby,” he whispers. “I wanted you from the moment I walked into the coffee shop. You dating my brother didn’t change that. I knew I’d have you in the end. What I didn’t expect was you coming to me so willingly.”

He drops to his knees and places his lips against my breast, kissing me softly before twirling his tongue over my nipple. It hardens instantly, and he smirks as he pulls away a little to admire his work. Silas blows against my skin, and the air feels different against it. I bite down on my lip to keep in my moans, but he shakes his head.

“None of that bullshit, Alanna. I want to hear you say my name.”

He moves his attention to my other breast, trapping my nipple between his teeth as a reprimand. This time a moan escapes my lips, and he rewards me by teasing me with his tongue. “Silas, please,” I whisper, unsure of what I’m even asking for. I have no idea what I’m even doing here. I was mad and impulsive, but I can’t get myself to regret it. Not when his touch makes me feel this good.

“Please what, baby?” he asks. “Tell me what you want. Do you want me to lick this delicious pussy of yours?” he adds, his fingers trailing over my navy silk underwear. He grins when he realizes how wet the fabric is and my cheeks slowly turn crimson.

He looks me in the eye as he places his hands on either side of my hips, dragging down my thong until he’s got it around my ankles. “Bare,” he murmurs. “I knew it.”

I smile at him and raise my brow. “You’ve been fantasizing about your brother’s girlfriend’s pussy?”

He leans in and presses a kiss to it. “Damn right I have. Turn around.”

He doesn’t wait for me to turn. Instead, he wraps his hands around my waist and makes my body obey.

“On your knees,” he orders, and this time I don’t hesitate. I want more of whatever he’s doing to me. I want it all.

“Good girl,” he whispers as he makes me face the mirror. I barely recognize myself. My lips are swollen, and my eyes are filled with an expression I’ve never seen in the mirror before. My breasts are on display, my nipples rock hard. The image I’m presenting Silas with is a version of me I never knew existed.

“I’m going to make you come on my face,” Silas says, and the mere thought of it has me clenching my thighs. “And you’re going to look yourself in the eye as you come harder for me than you ever did for Ryan. When your pussy tightens and wave after wave of pleasure rocks your body, it’s my name I want on your lips.”

He leans in behind me and does exactly what he told me he would. He licks my pussy like it’s his favorite flavor of ice cream, lapping me up and teasing me as he circles his tongue around my clit, withholding his touch where I want it most.

I look in the mirror, startled by the lust I see reflected back at me. I’m being eaten out by my ex’s older brother, and I look like I’ve never been happier. A moan escapes my lips, and Silas finally gives me what I want. His tongue expertly strokes my clit, and within minutes I’m closer to an orgasm than Ryan has ever gotten me.

“Silas, please,” I beg. “Please.”

He gives into my pleas, and my eyes fall closed as my muscles tighten, my orgasm washing over me in waves. It’s unlike anything I’ve ever felt before, going on and on. Silas doesn’t let up, he continues to lick circles around my clit, not quite touching it, yet within a minute I’m coming all over again.

I moan his name as he pushes me over the edge, coming so hard that I feel dizzy for a couple of seconds. Silas pulls away and straightens, a smug smile on his face as our eyes meet in the mirror.

I turn to face him and place my hands on his shirt. I’m naked, but he’s still fully dressed, and I want more of him. I want his skin against mine. I want all of him with a possessiveness I’ve never felt before.

He stares at me as I undo the buttons of his shirt, and the intensity of his gaze just turns me on further. I don’t think anyone has ever wanted me the way he wants me. He’s rock hard through his trousers, and I swallow hard as I pull his boxers down.

My expression must betray my thoughts, because Silas laughs. “I take it my little brother isn’t quite the same size, huh?”

I shake my head. “You’re huge,” I whisper, a little intimidated. I’m worried he’ll hurt me.

Silas cups my cheek, his touch so gentle that it makes my heart skip a beat. The feeling startles me. I’m not here to catch feelings. I’m here for revenge.

I bend down and cup his cock, placing the tip against my lips. “It’s your turn to look in the mirror, Silas. Look at you letting your brother’s girlfriend suck your cock. You’re his hero, you know? How would he feel when he finds out you’ve fucked my face?”

I smile, imagining the pain on his face. I wish he could see us right now. I wish he could watch me suck his brother’s cock. I want him to see Silas take the one thing Ryan said would never be his — me.

I take his cock into my mouth, taking my time with him, teasing him the way he teased me. “So fucking good.” He threads his hand through my hair and pulls tightly, moving my head up and down, fucking my face the way I wanted him to.

“Look at you taking my cock. You’re loving every second of it, aren’t you? You pretended to be such a devoted, loving girlfriend, but look at you now. I always knew you’d be mine, eventually. Ryan could never handle you.”

I suck him harder, twirling my tongue around the tip of his tongue every time he pulls back. It doesn’t take long for his movements to become more erratic. Just knowing that I got him close within seconds sends another wave of desire through me. I never realized how sexy it is to be truly wanted.

Silas pulls away and I groan in dissatisfaction, wanting more. He shakes his head and twirls me back around to face the mirror. He pushes me onto my knees, his left hand on my lower back. “I can’t take it,” he says. “I need your pussy. Right fucking now.”

I moan when he pushes the tip of his cock into me. Silas moves his hand to my hair and pulls on it, making me look up into the mirror. He holds me like that as he pushes all the way into me, his eyes never leaving mine.

“Fuck,” he groans when he’s finally all the way inside me. I’ve never felt this full before, this stretched. “I knew your pussy would be out of this world, baby.”

He pulls almost all the way out before pushing back into me, and then he does it all over again, his movements slow and strong. Silas looks at me, and then he raises his hand. “This is for being with my brother when you always should’ve been mine,” he warns, before bringing his hand down on my ass.

I gasp, the sting painful for a few seconds, before morphing into a delicious type of heat. My pussy clenches when he raises his other hand. I never thought I’d enjoy spanking, but it turns me on far more than I ever could’ve imagined.

“And this is for taking so long to come back to me.” He brings his hand down, slapping my ass hard. I gasp as I breathe through the sting, and Silas grabs my ass, massaging my skin as he continues to fuck me slowly.

“Look,” he orders. “Look at who’s fucking you, Alanna. When you’re taking my cock, I want your thoughts on me.”

I grin at him through the mirror. “Silas, you’ve ruined me for anyone else.”

He looks pleased and fucks me harder. I watch him just like he ordered me to, enjoying the connection. His eyes never leave mine, and I love seeing him slowly lose control.

Silas reaches around, his fingers finding their way between my legs. He starts to finger me while he fucks me, and I gasp. It’s too much. “I can’t take it, Silas.”

He shakes his head. “You can, and you will.”

He’s right, because within seconds, I come for him all over again. Silas isn’t far behind. He moans my name as he comes deep inside me. “Alanna,” he whispers as his eyes fall closed.

He drops his head to my back and presses soft kisses to my skin as both of us try to catch our breath. Silas pulls out of me, and the moment breaks.

I look in the mirror, realizing what I’ve done. I slept with my ex-boyfriend’s older brother. I stare at myself, but I don’t recognize the woman looking back at me. What have I done? I pull away and grab my clothes, wanting to run and hide.

He watches me as I walk away, his expression unreadable once more. “Alanna,” he says as I reach the door. I pause and turn back to find him leaning back on the floor, his irresistible body on display. “Don’t be late for work on Monday.”

I blink, realization dawning. I slept with Silas Sinclair. He’s not just Ryan’s older brother… he’s also my future boss. I’m done for.

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Off-Limits - Recommended Reading Order

(standalone stories with interconnected characters)


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