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A single dad sheriff doing his best to protect his town. A gorgeous stranger caught trespassing. A love never expected…

So, it turns out the town sheriff is a total cinnamon roll. A big, burly, grumpy, hot as sin, cinnamon roll. He found me hiding out on private property. Trespassing. I lied and told him I was only there because I was out of cash and had to sleep in my car.

I thought he’d give me a ticket and send me on my way.

Instead, he insisted that I stay at his guest house—right next door to him and his three kids.

I know better than to let them get close. I’ve been betrayed too many times to put my trust in anyone.

Too bad the air crackles every time he comes near, and I feel like I’m going to burn up every time I look at him.

All it takes is one reckless night to completely spiral into the bliss of the man and his big, capable hands. One dinner with his little family to completely fall.

Only I never told him why I really came to Time River. Now I have to choose to trust him with my secret before it’s too late for both of us…

COVER REVEAL: Claim Me Forever

A.L. Jackson

Expected Release Date: 20 February 2024

Book Series: 

A.L. Jackson has an all-new small town romance coming next month—about a single dad sheriff who catches a gorgeous stranger trespassing on private property, but instead of giving her a ticket, he invites her to stay at his guest house—and we have the cover.

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Time River - Recommended Reading Order

(standalone stories with interconnected characters)

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