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I’m cursed.

At least when it comes to finding Mr. Right.

I’m tired of men that only want one night stands or blind dates that are nothing but awkward and uncomfortable. I’m tired of avoiding inappropriate text messages and the constant disappointment of always meeting Mr. Wrong.

After all these years of dates that lead nowhere, I can admit that it’s me. I’m the problem. I’m shy and picky and cursed. Definitely cursed.

So I’ve decided two things.

The first? I’m giving up dating and relationships and men in general. Maybe, possibly, forever.

The second? I’m going to have to try harder to avoid Ezra Baptiste.

If I couldn’t hack it in the kiddy pool of dating, I certainly can’t swim in his deep end. He’s too successful. Too intense. He’s all man when I’m used to nothing but boys pretending to be grownups. He’s everything I’m afraid to want and so far out of my league we might as well be different species entirely.

So he’ll need to find a different artist to paint his mural. And a different graphic designer to help him with his website. He’ll need to find someone else to glare at and flirt with and kiss.

It can’t be me.

We’re too different.

BOOK REVIEW: The Difference Between Us

Rachel Higginson

Book Series: 


“Don’t be fooled by the long game. When you’re serious about a girl, you can’t make your move too quickly. You get her to care about you first, fall for you. Then you take her to bed and show her she can’t live without you.”

I’ve been anxiously anticipating this story ever since we met its two lead characters in The Opposite of You, always suspecting that the courtship between two people with absolutely nothing in common would be a riveting one, but the way Rachel Higginson builds this slow burning romance to its heart-pounding climax has left me reeling. I am incredibly drawn to stories that truly take the time to show a connection develop between two people, making every glance, every accidental touch, every moment of understanding count and drip with expectation. But when those stories also spare no effort to create complex, well-rounded characters who undertake a compelling journey of personal growth and discovery along the way, I become utterly consumed by every single word. This book stole my heart, one delightful page at a time, and not just because it gave us Ezra Baptiste—one of the swooniest heroes I’ve ever come across—but also because every woman can find a little bit of herself in a heroine like Molly.

Most days, I felt like I was playing dress-up as an adult. I paid bills, went to work, and lived alone. Yet nothing about my life fit well, like when I was a little girl and would try on my mom’s dresses.

Molly Maverick is stuck in a rut. As the youngest designer working at one of the top marketing firms in the city, she is often overlooked for larger advertising campaigns and assigned only to menial projects that tend to underutilise her true talents and skills. She spends her days feeling invisible and disconnected from her peers, and getting closer and closer to the kind of existential crisis that would make her question every life choice she’s ever made. So when her best friend gets engaged to the love of her life, Molly finds herself torn between feeling ecstatically happy for her and feeling even more lacking in comparison.

I was happy for her. I was. But her happiness only spotlighted my unhappiness. Her bliss only shed light on my misery. Her joy revealed my lack of. Her contentment exaggerated my restlessness.

Molly’s only outlet for purging her emotions and frustrations is her art. While she lives her life like a stone skipping on water, never digging deep or causing any ripples, she paints in her free time to expel everything she keeps bottled up inside her and to heal her broken spirit. But there is one man in Molly’s life who brings out a very different kind of woman in her—a woman who is not afraid to be assertive, outspoken, even hostile at times—and he happens to be one of the crankiest, brusquest, most difficult men she’s ever met. Albeit the hottest, too.

Something about Ezra made me lose my cool. I became a snarky, nagging shrew with bite. The filter over my mouth and mind dissolved completely and I was left with only raw truth and rough edges. And I had no problem telling the man no. Which was crazy for me, since I was a ride or die people pleaser.

Ezra Baptiste is a man who has worked hard to be where he is today—at the helm of a successful restaurant empire that he has built up from nothing. A self-confessed workaholic, every other aspect of Ezra’s life has taken a back seat to his career, but from the moment a feisty, young graphic designer starts telling him just how much she disagrees with his opinions, he makes it his mission to put her in a position where she’d be doing just that on a daily basis. Regardless of her evident antagonism towards him.

“I want someone who is going to stand up to me and fight me when I’m wrong.”

They butt heads at every turn, but the more time they spend together, the more Molly realises that, as unattainable as he would forever be to her, under Ezra’s cool and polished façade lies a thoughtful and gentle man whose unwavering belief in her capabilities empowers her to be the very best she can be. And for the first time in her life, she doesn’t feel invisible.

“I might not know you yet, but I want to. I want to know all of you.”

This is one of those love stories that genuinely stays with you long after you’ve turned the last page, compelling you to revisit in your mind all the subtle nuances that the author has used to make her characters slowly begin to fall for one another. I loved the way Ms Higginson took her time to show the steady transformation of Molly’s character from shy, downtrodden wallflower to the epitome of confidence and sass, and I loved it even more knowing that even though Molly thought she wanted a man to shelter her from the world around her, all she really needed was someone to finally put their faith in her. I absolutely adored this book and already cannot wait to see what the author has in store for us next.

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There were so many bad people in the world, so many people that would rather hurt and harm and crush. But the good people were the ones that made life worth living, that made searching for them worth every bad relationship and heartache, worth the pain, suffering and potential heartache of finding them.

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Opposites Attract - Recommended Reading Order

(standalone stories with interconnected characters)

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135 Comments Hide Comments

Amazing Giveaway!? Thank you for the chance, I haven’t read these yet, but they are on my TBR list.

Loved The Opposite of You and I can’t wait to start The Difference Between Us. Great review! Thanks for the giveaway chance.

Heard lots of good things about this author. Would really love to give her books a try. Thanks for the giveaway!

I really loved the description of the book! Im excited to give it a try. The cover is very intriguing too.

Wow. Awesome review. I will surely love this book. Looking forward to reading this books in the near future. ?❤

Partway through the Difference Between Us!! Loving it!! Really enjoyed the first book and couldn’t wait for this one either!!!

I would love to win! I love Rachel Higginson’s books and would love to be able to continue reading her books.

I’d love to win this for two reasons! The first because I met Rachel a few years ago and she was a doll but I hadn’t read her work and didn’t buy (it was a huge signing and I missed an opportunity because I’ve since read a few of her works and love her writing style and character building.) the second reason is because I start teaching in the fall and the amazon money will help in my classroom.

I’m dying to read this series :) I just picked up book 1 so I’m excited to get caught up. thanks for sharing!

I’ve not read these. Truthfully had no clue they existed. But now I’m totally intrigued and want to delve into these two! Thanks so much for introducing this author to me! ?❤?

I like to discover new authors to me and RACHEL Higginson would be one of those authors. Who wouldn’t want to win an Amazon gift card, Amazon is where I buy my ebooks.

Great review!! I love how you can put into words the things we feel about the book but just don’t know how to express it!!

Rachel Higginson is new to me, but this sounds so good!! Thank you for always introducing me to amazing new authors! I love slow burn romances and these books sound awesome!

I’ve only read The Five Stages of Falling in Love by this author and really liked it! Looking forward to read her new books, thank you for the giveaway :)

Wow, great review as always. I blame you for my ever increasing tbr book pile.. The first book was my first from this author and is amazing!…and of course, thanks for the chance!

I am looking for new authors , this book seems to be exactly my read. And, Amazon gift card too, whew that would be sweet.

This book is AMAZING!! Didn’t think I would fall in love with Ezra, but my heart is swooning over him!

Wow, thanks for the post! Rachel Higginson is new to me and ths sounds great! I will definitely check this out! =D

I’ve read one of her books before but haven’t had the chance to read this series and it sounds amazing which is the reason I would love to win this :)

Because I really really want to read these , thanks to Natasha’s review. Thank you for your generosity

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