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I didn’t know how much I had missed Emma Chase’s writing until I caught myself grinning like a fool page after page from how insanely happy this book was making me. The ultimate feel-good read, this second chance romance had it all—humour, sizzle, emotion, characters you can’t help but love—and it didn’t just warm my heart, it made it smile. Chase’s prose is crisp and effortless, her talent as always shining through the brightest in her male point of view, giving us a story that is so delightful, I am recommending it unreservedly to anyone looking for the perfect reading escape.


A tragic but hopeful second chance romance—interwoven with a melancholy tale of stolen dreams and missed opportunities— Adriane Leigh tells the story of two people who find each other after many years apart, and examines the depths of their love for one another by testing the very limits of it. Her prose is beautiful and confident, affecting without being maudlin—it squeezed my heart while continuously bringing tears of joy to my eyes, and I had to take a very long, deep breath in the end to fully absorb all the emotions it left in me. This was undoubtedly one of the most moving books I’ve read in a long time.


At first glance, this might look like just another tale of opposites attracting, of a bad boy falling for the good girl, but this incredible story delves so much deeper than that. It’s an extraordinarily moving, beautifully written and, at times, almost unbearably painful tale of music, love, family, hope, and once I started reading it, I resented every single moment I had to spend away from this book and these characters. It was unlike anything I’ve ever read—filled with musical detail and infused with raw emotion—immediately earning its spot as one of my most beloved books of the year.


Devney Perry’s books have quickly become synonymous with small town romances that are sexy, charming, and everything in between, and while she continues to spread her wings by crafting compelling, well-written, vibrant stories that never fail to resonate with readers, Perry is once again staying true to her roots. We are back in small-town Montana, with a book that combines two of my favourite romance tropes—a surprise pregnancy AND a second chance romance—but this story is far more than just that. It’s complex and intense, thoughtful and heartwarming, and with a subtle thread of suspense running through it, every word was like catnip to me.


This was my first encounter with Sarah MacLean’s splendid writing and the beauty of her language quite literally took my breath away. She paints a vivid picture of nineteenth-century London’s dark underworld and the characters it comprises, as well as of the city’s more affluent classes, the quality of her prose standing out in a genre known for its lyrical delivery. I was entranced by the detail, the cadence, the movement of her words, but above all, by a love story that is sheer beauty beginning to end.


At first glance, there is little that is truly groundbreaking about a story of two ‘friends with benefits’ slowly becoming more, but it is Sarina Bowen’s deft control of her characters that made this book unlike anything I’ve ever read before. She paints her characters with such nuance and with such complexity, it becomes impossible not to get pulled in—not just by their many intriguing facets, but also by a love story that is unexpected, surprising, atypical, and rewarding in every single way.


Achingly romantic and devastatingly sexy all at once, this book is so much more than just a heartwarming tale of two good friends falling in love—this is also the story of a woman’s quest for her own identity, and of her emotional transformation from ‘ugly duckling’ to confident, self-assertive protagonist of her own life. It’s a feel-good kind of read that cheers you up when you didn’t even know you needed cheering, deceptively lighthearted and fun, all the while painting a sensitive picture of a woman’s battle with her own demons. This will undoubtedly end up being one of my favourite reads of the year.


Bookish News

Kristen Ashley’s first anthology is coming in October, with 3 short stories and 2 novellas taking us back to beloved characters and series in the KA universe. We’ll visit with Joe and Vi (At Peace); we’ll get the long-awaited love story of Hap and Luci (first introduced in Heaven and Hell); we’ll see Deacon and Cassidy again (Deacon); we’ll see what happens to Diesel, Maddox and Molly in their unconventional love triangle (The Greatest Risk); and we’ll even get a Rock Chick short story!


We have the cover of Claire Contreras‘ upcoming standalone novel, releasing on Jul 12.


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New & Upcoming Releases; Bookish News; Latest Top Recommendations

4 July, 2018



This isn’t a story about a love triangle. There is no triangle involved.
This isn’t a story about an accidental pregnancy. Although having a baby with her . . . I would.
This isn’t a story about lies and deception, even though at times I’ve lied to myself.

No, this is my story.

A story about sacrifice.
A story about a man who fell in love with the wrong girl.
A story I wish I never had to tell.

This is a story about the true meaning of the downside of love.

This is the second and final book in the Blue Line duet.

 Series reading order: The Upside of FallingThe Downside of Love

Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon CA | Amazon AU | Paperback

Not every love story begins with a fiery explosion of lust.

Some are tiny embers of hope that smoulder slowly until the stars align…

I’d been living in a bubble.
It was meant to protect me from the things in life that hurt.
I could live, I could laugh, but at least I didn’t have to love.
Loving was dangerous and I would never do it again.

It was working just fine, until the bubble burst.
It let in danger.
It let in light.
It let in…him.

Unknowingly I’d been living in the dark, feeling my way.
He filled my world with starlight.
He showed me how to move on to the next level.
He made me feel again.

I thought the wounds from the past would never fully heal,
But perhaps they only heal when the time is right.

Sometimes you just have to thank your lucky scars.

This is a standalone novel.

Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon CA | Amazon AU | iBooks | Paperback

Bound by duty . . .

Bodyguard and former military man Cutter Bryant has always done his duty–no matter the cost. Now he’s taking one last high-octane assignment before settling down in a new role that means sacrificing his chance at love. But he never expects to share an irresistible chemistry with his beautiful new client.

. . . tempted by pleasure 

As the star of a steamy television drama, Shealyn West knows fame well, but it has come at the expense of her heart. With a blackmailer watching her every move and the threat of career-ending exposure looming, Shealyn hires Cutter to shore up her security and keep her safe, never imagining their attraction will be too powerful to contain.

As Shealyn and Cutter navigate the scintillating line between business and pleasure, they unravel a web of secrets that threaten their relationship and their lives. When danger strikes, Cutter must decide whether to follow his heart for the first time, or risk losing Shealyn forever.

This is the first standalone novel in the all-new Devoted Lovers series.

Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon CA | Amazon AUiBooks | Paperback

My husband and I know how to fight. We perfected the art when running against each other for Congress. But that fighting revealed a passion for each other that we couldn’t deny. Battle lines were erased as enemies became lovers.

But now we’re in the fight of our lives—we’re battling a smear campaign as he runs for governor. And again, we find ourselves drawn to do what we do best.

I won’t be controlled, even by the man who owns my heart.

But as tensions escalate to a boiling point, I discover there is one place I like checking my defiance—the bedroom.

As Jude takes his dominance over me to a new level, I discover that submission can bring me to places I’ve ever known.

This is the third book in the Filthy series.

Series reading order: Dirty Work | Dirty Secret | Dirty Defiance

Amazon USAmazon UK | Amazon CA | Amazon AU | Paperback

Have you ever had a secret so gut-wrenching you couldn’t tell anyone, not even the person who shares your bed? Told from the alternating perspectives of a husband and wife who both have something to hide, this incisive novel pulls back the curtain on a seemingly-happy marriage, posing the question: how much do we really know–and how much should we want to know–about the people we love the most?

After five long years, the unshakable confidence Cass Coyne felt as a bride is gone. Her husband, Jonathan, on the other hand, is still smitten. It’s true that the quirks he once found charming in his wife–her high standards, her refusal to clean the dishes–are beginning to grate. But for him, these are minor challenges in a healthy relationship.

So it comes as a complete shock to Jonathan when Cass suddenly requests a marital “intermission”: a six-month separation during which they’ll decide if the comfortable life they’ve built is still the one they both want.

Aside from a monthly custodial exchange of their beloved dog, contact will be limited. But as the months pass, they begin to see that calculated silences just like these have helped to drive them apart–and that it may finally be time to confront the blistering secrets they’ve been avoiding.

This is a standalone novel.

Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon CA | Amazon AUiBooks | Hardcover | Audio ?


A young woman returns to her childhood summer camp to uncover the truth about a tragedy that happened there fifteen years ago…

Two Truths and a Lie. The girls played it all the time in their cabin at Camp Nightingale. Vivian, Natalie, Allison, and first-time camper Emma Davis, the youngest of the group. But the games ended the night Emma sleepily watched the others sneak out of the cabin into the darkness. The last she—or anyone—saw of them was Vivian closing the cabin door behind her, hushing Emma with a finger pressed to her lips.

Now a rising star in the New York art scene, Emma turns her past into paintings—massive canvases filled with dark leaves and gnarled branches that cover ghostly shapes in white dresses. When the paintings catch the attention of Francesca Harris-White, the wealthy owner of Camp Nightingale, she implores Emma to return to the newly reopened camp as a painting instructor. Seeing an opportunity to find out what really happened to her friends all those years ago, Emma agrees.

Familiar faces, unchanged cabins, and the same dark lake haunt Nightingale, even though the camp is opening its doors for the first time since the disappearances. Emma is even assigned to the same cabin she slept in as a teenager, but soon discovers a security camera—the only one on the property–pointed directly at its door. Then cryptic clues that Vivian left behind about the camp’s twisted origins begin surfacing. As she digs deeper, Emma finds herself sorting through lies from the past while facing mysterious threats in the present. And the closer she gets to the truth about Camp Nightingale and what really happened to those girls, the more she realizes that closure could come at a deadly price.

This is a standalone novel.

Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon CA | Amazon AUiBooks | Hardcover | Audio ?

I was raised to believe in things you can’t see.

It is the foundation of everything. I am taught to accept the unacceptable. To embrace the terrifying.

To give everything to my family.
To my church.
To my god.

Because I have a purpose. I have been trained for my calling for as long as I can remember. As an acolyte for the Gathering of the Sun, I am taught that my life isn’t my own. I worship. I serve. And when the time comes, I will greet my fate with open arms and a sin free heart.

People call us a cult.

We are judged. We are ridiculed and reviled. Pastor Carter tells me they will be lost when the end comes. So we hide ourselves away from their sick and dangerous world. And my soul is safe because I follow the path.

I am the perfect disciple. I am confident in my devotion.

Until doubt arrives wearing the face of a boy I never expected to love.

Bastian doesn’t follow the path. His destiny is his own. He paints me a picture of a beautiful world. His words contradict everything I have been told.

He invites me to live when I have been prepared to die.
He gives me something new to believe in.

Love becomes the ultimate crisis of faith and now I am torn between two futures.
One that saves my soul.
And one that saves my heart.

This is the first book in The Gathering of the Sun series.

Series reading order: Ashes of the Sun | Tears of the Storm (26 Jul 2018)

Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon CA | Amazon AU


Princess Ivy has one goal—end the war against the Forces of Darkness.

Ivy’s magic is more powerful than any other Royal’s, but she needs a battle partner who can help her harness it. Prince Zach’s unparalleled skill with a sword should make them an unstoppable pair—if only they could agree on…well, just about anything.

But Ivy’s magic can only fully unlock with Zach’s help, and he’s not exactly cooperating.

Zach believes Ivy’s magic is dangerous. Ivy believes they’ll never win the war without it. Two warriors, one goal, and the fate of their world on the line. But the more they argue, the more they fall for each other. And only one of them can be right…

This is a standalone novel.

Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon CA | Amazon AU | iBooks | Paperback

Love happens when you least expect it…

When Eliza Barnes said ‘I do’ to her husband all those years ago, she thought that they’d be together forever. Instead, he’s flown to Abu Dhabi to start a new life, and she’s returning to the little seaside town of Lavender Bay.

It’s finally time to chase the dreams she’s put on hold for so long, whipping up luxury bath products and organic soaps using local ingredients. Of course, she didn’t expect to meet local farmer, Jack Gilbert, or for him to be quite so gorgeous!

So when her husband turns up, she knows she must decide between the man she knows everything about and the man who makes her heart race in ways she’d never imagined—before it’s too late…

This is the second standalone novel in the Lavender Bay series.

Series recommended reading order: Spring at Lavender Bay | Summer at Lavender Bay | Snowflakes at Lavender Bay (1 Nov 2018)

Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon CA | Amazon AU | iBooks


He’s turned seduction into an art form…

Rafe Beaumont, fifth son of an earl, uses his irresistible charm with the ladies to glean dangerous war secrets. Now he’s putting those skills to the ultimate test: capturing an elusive assassin by seducing his daughter. The problem? She’s entirely immune to Rafe’s flattery.

Never before has Collette Fortier met a man as attractive as Rafe. But her father’s life is at stake, and succumbing to Rafe would be disastrous. But when Rafe turns the tables on her, offering support and friendship instead of a fleeting affair, Collette finds herself tempted in ways she never could have imagined…

This is the third book in The Survivors series of standalone novels with interconnected characters.

Series recommended reading order: Third Son’s a CharmNo Earls AllowedAn Affair With a Spare

Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon CA | Amazon AU | iBooks | Paperback

Honor is the president’s daughter and she’s expected to behave a certain way. She’s spent her whole life living by the rules…until the newest member of the Secret Service shows up.

Washington has done his best to watch her and keep his hands and his dirty thoughts to himself. But it’s her eighteenth birthday and he’s been left in charge of guarding her. How closely can he watch her body without giving in to his urges? Not long.

Warning: This hot and fast quickie is just what you need to heat up your summer night. Celebrate Independence Day with steamy fireworks!

This is a standalone insta-love quickie.

Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon CA | Amazon AU

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Latest Top Recommendations

I didn’t know how much I had missed Emma Chase’s writing until I caught myself grinning like a fool page after page from how insanely happy this book was making me. The ultimate feel-good read, this second chance romance had it all—humour, sizzle, emotion, characters you can’t help but love—and it didn’t just warm my heart, it made it smile. Chase’s prose is crisp and effortless, her talent as always shining through the brightest in her male point of view, giving us a story that is so delightful, I am recommending it unreservedly to anyone looking for the perfect reading escape.


A tragic but hopeful second chance romance—interwoven with a melancholy tale of stolen dreams and missed opportunities— Adriane Leigh tells the story of two people who find each other after many years apart, and examines the depths of their love for one another by testing the very limits of it. Her prose is beautiful and confident, affecting without being maudlin—it squeezed my heart while continuously bringing tears of joy to my eyes, and I had to take a very long, deep breath in the end to fully absorb all the emotions it left in me. This was undoubtedly one of the most moving books I’ve read in a long time.


At first glance, this might look like just another tale of opposites attracting, of a bad boy falling for the good girl, but this incredible story delves so much deeper than that. It’s an extraordinarily moving, beautifully written and, at times, almost unbearably painful tale of music, love, family, hope, and once I started reading it, I resented every single moment I had to spend away from this book and these characters. It was unlike anything I’ve ever read—filled with musical detail and infused with raw emotion—immediately earning its spot as one of my most beloved books of the year.


Devney Perry’s books have quickly become synonymous with small town romances that are sexy, charming, and everything in between, and while she continues to spread her wings by crafting compelling, well-written, vibrant stories that never fail to resonate with readers, Perry is once again staying true to her roots. We are back in small-town Montana, with a book that combines two of my favourite romance tropes—a surprise pregnancy AND a second chance romance—but this story is far more than just that. It’s complex and intense, thoughtful and heartwarming, and with a subtle thread of suspense running through it, every word was like catnip to me.


This was my first encounter with Sarah MacLean’s splendid writing and the beauty of her language quite literally took my breath away. She paints a vivid picture of nineteenth-century London’s dark underworld and the characters it comprises, as well as of the city’s more affluent classes, the quality of her prose standing out in a genre known for its lyrical delivery. I was entranced by the detail, the cadence, the movement of her words, but above all, by a love story that is sheer beauty beginning to end.


At first glance, there is little that is truly groundbreaking about a story of two ‘friends with benefits’ slowly becoming more, but it is Sarina Bowen’s deft control of her characters that made this book unlike anything I’ve ever read before. She paints her characters with such nuance and with such complexity, it becomes impossible not to get pulled in—not just by their many intriguing facets, but also by a love story that is unexpected, surprising, atypical, and rewarding in every single way.


Achingly romantic and devastatingly sexy all at once, this book is so much more than just a heartwarming tale of two good friends falling in love—this is also the story of a woman’s quest for her own identity, and of her emotional transformation from ‘ugly duckling’ to confident, self-assertive protagonist of her own life. It’s a feel-good kind of read that cheers you up when you didn’t even know you needed cheering, deceptively lighthearted and fun, all the while painting a sensitive picture of a woman’s battle with her own demons. This will undoubtedly end up being one of my favourite reads of the year.


Bookish News

Kristen Ashley’s first anthology is coming in October, with 3 short stories and 2 novellas taking us back to beloved characters and series in the KA universe. We’ll visit with Joe and Vi (At Peace); we’ll get the long-awaited love story of Hap and Luci (first introduced in Heaven and Hell); we’ll see Deacon and Cassidy again (Deacon); we’ll see what happens to Diesel, Maddox and Molly in their unconventional love triangle (The Greatest Risk); and we’ll even get a Rock Chick short story!


We have the cover of Claire Contreras‘ upcoming standalone novel, releasing on Jul 12.


Upcoming Releases

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10 Jul 2018

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BOOK REVIEW: Getting Schooled by Emma Chase
EXCLUSIVE EXCERPT: Dirty Rich Obsession by Lisa Renee Jones

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