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You were in a car accident.

They say true love can last forever.

You hit your head, which caused your brain to swell.

Can span any distance, stretch across time, last beyond death.

The pressure against your skull damaged your brain.

Which leads one to wonder …

The damage left you unresponsive to most kinds of stimuli.

If you fall in love in your dreams,

And this unresponsive state is what’s known as a coma.

Can you find that love when you wake up?

COVER REVEAL: While I Was Away

Stylo Fantôme

Expected Release Date: 21 March 2019

An all-new romantic drama is coming from Stylo Fantôme in March, and we have the gorgeous cover.

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EXCLUSIVE EXCERPT: Fearless by Elizabeth SaFleur
COVER REVEAL: Pieces of Us by A.L. Jackson

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