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Byron Crowne is a charming liar and a gorgeous monster.

I detest him.
I can’t resist him.
He’s awakened desires I didn’t know I had.
When he touches me, I need to fight him . . . and I need him to win.
Our one night stand bruises my skin and leaves dents in the walls, but the sheets aren’t the only thing we shred that night.
And suddenly, the stakes are higher than ever.

Olivia Monroe lights a fire in me that died a long time ago.

I’m a different man when I’m with her. I need to own her, take her, mark her as mine.
Everything changes when she might be pregnant and for the first time in my life…I’m powerless against this stubborn, untamable woman.
She’s the one in control and I have an impossible job:
Prove I’m worthy to be a father.


C.D. Reiss


Book Series: 

An all-new wickedly sexy enemies-to-lovers standalone is out now from author CD Reiss, and you can read an excerpt right here.

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Byron reached for me slowly, laying his hand on the back of my neck. I couldn’t breathe through the thrum of my veins.

“You’re nothing but hunger,” he said. “Every time you talk. Every move. Every decision you make. Your need soaks through you. You think you have it under control, but all I see is how much you want everything you hate.”

His hand tightened on the back of my neck. He was six inches away and I wanted him. I’d gotten in that cab to have him.

No. That was too simple. I’d come to give myself to him, but I couldn’t admit it.

“You’re wrong,” I hissed, leaning into his body.

“Want me to prove it?”

“Do it.” I laid my hands on his chest and tightened my fingers on his shirt. “I dare you.”

Our mouths crashed together and he pushed me against the counter, my legs wrapped around him as he ground the shape of his hard cock against me. I pushed forward as if I could get him inside me through our clothes.

He grabbed my ponytail and yanked it back, exposing my throat.

“You want to fuck?” he asked.

“Yes,” I squeaked.

“You need the fight.” He lunged hard against me while pulling my hair. “You are a self-righteous.” He shoved harder with every pause. I was too close to orgasm to be angry at his words or to react with anything but a hard groan. “Naïve. Little. Girl. And you’re out. Of. Your. Depth.”

My hands pulled apart, ripping his shirt open, reaching into the gap to feel his body in its raw humanness.

“What do you want?” he growled, and I feared I’d gone too far and put everything I ever wanted in danger. I had to seize enough control to draw a line.

“I need…”


“I need a condom.”

He pulled my hair harder, pinning me as his other hand slid under my shirt and bra for a bare nipple. I put my hands behind me to keep from falling, leveraging myself against the countertop.

“Beg for my cock and I’ll wrap it before I fuck you.” He squeezed hard enough to hurt, and my hips bucked with pleasure.

“Please,” I obeyed without thinking. He angled my head so I was looking right into his cold green eyes. I didn’t care if he was a controlling asshole who got off on me begging. “Please. I want your cock in me so bad. Please.”

He twisted my nipple and sucked a breath in when I moaned.

“See how sweet you are now? How nice you beg?”


He picked up my mug.

“Finish the tea.”

The shape of his cock still rigid against the damp crotch of my sweatpants, he laid his hand on my throat and put the cup to my lips. When he tipped it into my mouth, it was cool enough to drink without burning my tongue.

“Drink,” he whispered. “I want to feel you swallow.”

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Crowne Brothers - Recommended Reading Order

(standalone stories with interconnected characters)


NBJ WEEKLY RECAP – 18 Nov 2019
COVER REVEAL: Inappropriate by Vi Keeland

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