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When she was young, Arya Roth became best friends with her housekeeper’s son. Soon, friendship turned to young love, and when Arya dared him to kiss her, a chain reaction of disastrous events led to the boy being sent away and out of Arya’s life.

Now, two decades later, Arya is an on-the-rise publicist with her beloved father as one of her biggest clients. So when her father is sued by a former employee, Arya sets out to prove that her father is not the monster he is accused of being. The only problem is the attorney who is determined to destroy her father’s good name. Christian Miller is charming, ambitious, and devilishly good looking, and Arya has no idea he is that same boy who kissed her all those years ago.

Past and present collide as Arya falls hard for Christian. But when she finds out who he really is and about his obsession with getting revenge on her father, can she choose love over family?

COVER REVEAL: Ruthless Rival

L.J. Shen

Expected Release Date: 3 May 2022

Book Series: 

An all-new enemies-to-lovers romance about the fine line between seeking revenge and finding love is coming in 2022 from author L.J. Shen, and we have the gorgeous cover.

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Cruel Castaways - Recommended Reading Order

(standalone stories with interconnected characters)

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2 Comments Hide Comments

Hi, do you know if this book is a standalone or whether it’s part of an interconnected series that I should read before to understand the story and characters better? Thank you ??

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