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I love routine. Schedules. Stability.

And I’m about to travel across the country with an actual chicken and the one man who I would schedule a root canal to avoid.

How did this happen? Let me back up.

My mom had one final request of me before she died: to spread her ashes around the country while I completed her bucket list.

It won’t be easy, but I want to honor her wishes. However, I need some help (and I absolutely hate that).

I don’t have a license—or a car—and I need someone to drive who won’t mind my mom’s chicken, Hennifer Aniston, on board. My options have been narrowed to one person: Hutch Aldridge-Sanders.

I have no interest in hanging out with the spontaneous, easy-going bad-boy of New York. But he’s my only hope.

I’m dreading being in a car with Hutch’s free spirit for a couple of weeks. Throw in the chicken, and this is bound to be a disaster.

Except that I forgot that opposites don’t just attract—they make sparks fly.

COVER REVEAL: Collide with Me

Claudia Burgoa

Expected Release Date: 13 September 2022

A steamy new romance in Claudia Burgoa’s Baker’s Creek Billionaire Brothers series is coming in September, and we have the cover.

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The Baker’s Creek Billionaire Brothers - Recommended Reading Order

(standalone stories with interconnected characters)

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