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One of the most outstanding and truly unforgettable books I’ve EVER read, this tender coming of age tale took my breath away, and to say I loved it would be a gross understatement. Exquisitely written, and laced with immeasurable amounts of heart and truth, this book perfectly captures the intensity and angst of teenage love, while relaying a message that is SO powerful and relevant, it moved me to tears too many times to count. A genuine masterpiece that should be read by absolutely EVERYONE. SIX STARS!


I’ve been waiting all my life for this book. A superbly conceived and then meticulously woven together second chance romance, J.M. Darhower holds no punches while delivering a heartfelt chronicle of love and heartbreak, of two young people torn apart by the changing tides of life, only to find their way back to one another when the time is right. I loved this book so completely and so overwhelmingly cover to cover, that I am not quite sure how to move on from such a tremendous reading experience. It ruined me in the best possible way, and I cannot recommend it highly enough—every devastatingly perfect second of it. SIX STARS!


Our final visit to Magdalene, Maine was everything I’d hoped it would be, and so much more, making it the perfect send-off for a group of characters I’ve come to know and care for deeply. This is the heartbreaking tale of two people who meet again after almost two decades of separation, and while time has not dimmed in any way their feelings for one another, they must face all the reasons why they stayed apart, and all the ways the time in between has changed them both.


Stylo Fantôme returns with a mind-blowing second chance romance that explores the what-ifs of everlasting love—the story of a man who wakes up in hospital with no recollection of his past life or who he used to be, but as his heart and mind struggle with all he’s forgotten, his soul slowly remembers to whom it belongs. This book shattered me in the best possible way and is quite possibly one of the most moving love stories I’ve ever read.


This book—this delightful, feel-good, at times incredibly moving tale of second chances—owned my heart cover to cover. There’s something about small town romances that never fails to strike a chord with me, their romantic backdrop creating the picture-perfect setting for timeless love stories infused with hope and promise, and the Jamison Valley series is the very epitome of epic love wrapped in small-town charm. This is one of my most beloved books of the year—a story I simply could not get enough of—and this author is quickly becoming a top favourite of mine.


It’s always a huge thrill for me to read an author for the very first time, especially one who comes so highly praised by so many, but to find myself in awe of their every confidently written word from the start, to see myself connecting and falling in love with their characters in such a way that I am compelled to read a book twice, back to back, just because I can’t let go… Ah, that is a rare joy and one that makes me want to shout their name from the rooftops! Santino Hassell’s radiant prose captivates, entices, inspires, electrifies, and as his characters continue to reveal their complexity page after page, a story with a deceptively simple premise develops into one that packs a hefty punch at every turn. I ADORED this book, there’s no other way to say it, and already cannot wait for the next one in the series.


Bookish News

I have loved every single book from Alessandra Torre that I’ve ever put my hands on, and while I can confidently say that this might have been my favourite story of hers, it was also the one I hated the most. I hated it because it shattered me, it devastated me, it crushed me, it reduced me to a sobbing mess over and over again, and I found myself loving every single second of it. It’s a very different flavour for this author, yet every word is so unmistakably hers—bold, thought-provoking, chillingly unpredictable. I am so excited to share with you the stunning cover of The Ghostwriter, releasing on 2 Oct 2017.


Tammara Webber has announced the release of her upcoming Contours of the Heart novel, Brave. This is Erin’s story and it releases on 19 Dec 2017.


The story of a Hollywood Golden Boy turning Hollywood Bad Boy, we have the cover and blurb of Tijan‘s brand new standalone romance, releasing in May 2018.


Christina Lauren have announced their next novel, Love and Other Words, coming in Apr 2018. The book is told in alternating timelines and follows childhood sweethearts who reunite after a decade.


We have the cover of the next Black Dagger Brotherhood novel by J.R. Ward, releasing on 3 Apr 2018.


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New & Upcoming Releases; Bookish News; Latest Top Recommendations

18 September, 2017



Dear Bridget,
I’m writing this letter because it’s highly doubtful I’ll ever garner the courage to say this to your face.
So, here goes.
We’re totally wrong for each other. You’re the proper single mum with a good head on your shoulders. I’m just the carefree British doctor passing through town and temporarily living in your converted garage until I head back to England.
But here’s the thing… for some bloody reason, I can’t stop thinking about you in very inappropriate ways.
I want you.
The only reason I’m even admitting all of this to you right now is because I don’t believe it’s one-sided. I notice your eyes when you look at me, too. And as crass as I appear when we’re joking around about sex, my attraction to you is not a joke.
So, what’s the purpose of this note? I guess it’s a reminder that we’re adults, that sex is healthy and natural, and that you can find me just through the door past the kitchen. More specifically, it’s to let you know that I’m leaving said door cracked open from now on in case you’d like to visit me in the middle of the night sometime.
No questions asked.
Think about it.
Or don’t.
Whatever you choose.
It’s doubtful I’ll even end up sliding this letter under your door anyway.

This is a standalone novel.

Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon CA | iBooks | Paperback


The only benefit I want from my ex is a divorce.

We got married for all the wrong reasons. The one thing we got right was our separation. I should have known better than to think I could bet on forever with a guy like Canaan Ford. Everything about him screamed impermanent, from his wild eyes to his restless soul.

When I left him and the small town I’d spent my whole life in, I swore I’d never go back. Never only turned out to be five years. Canaan claims he’s changed, but he hasn’t—same knowing smile, same rough demeanor, same body crafted from sin and sinew. And yet, something is different. He thinks this is his chance for redemption. My disagreement comes in the form of divorce papers dropped in his lap. He refuses to sign them. Unless . . .

He wants a month to prove himself to me—that’s his offer. One month to make me fall in love with him again and if I don’t, he’ll sign the papers. As much as I want to say no, I agree. I can suffer my ex for a short amount of time if that’s what it takes to be free of him once and for all. I fell for him once; I won’t make that same mistake twice.

He says we’re not over. I say we were over before we got started. Only one of us can be right, and I can’t let it be him.

This is a standalone novel.

Click to read an excerpt >>

Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon CA | iBooks

I have one chance at a new life. A college education. A future outside of Tanglewood’s dark walls. For a breathless moment it seems like I might actually escape.

Then I get a phone call from home.

Damon Scott is my own personal dragon, the fight I’ve always lost, the secret hope of my heart. And he needs my help right now. Only my mind can solve the puzzle. Only my presence can keep him sane as the city fights against him.

Only my heart can unlock a man with such a tragic past.

This is my final gamble, with everything at stake. One last game to win a future for both of us.

And a love strong enough to break the city apart.

This is the second and final book in the Masterpiece duet.

Series reading order: The King | The Queen

Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon CA | iBooks | Paperback

I write about love, but I’ve never experienced it. Sure, I’ve been with guys that I cared about. Even thought I found ‘the one’. He turned out to be the frog and not the prince.

A few Frank Sinatra songs and a wildly handsome cowboy who calls me Darlin’, will have me second guessing everything I ever thought I knew about love.

Does happily ever after really exist…or is it only something I write about in books?

This is the second book in the Cowboys and Angels series of interconnected standalone novels.

Series recommended reading order: Lost Love | Love Profound

Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon CA | iBooks | Paperback

Taylor Harden is a man on the edge.

The edge of fame. The edge of untold wealth.

The edge of utter humiliation.

He built an unhackable system, and in front of everyone, it gets hacked.

His reputation goes from king to goat in a split second. Boom. Like that.

Some dude in Barrington, USA (AKA Nowhere) has locked down Taylor’s code, and if he does not get it back, he is going to be wearing a monkey suit for the rest of his life.

Except, this guy? This hacker from Nowhere? He is not a guy.

Harper Watson is all woman. And she has a plan for Taylor, his code, and his body.

This is the first book in a new world of standalone novels.

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We met on a Tuesday.
Became best friends, then lovers, on a Tuesday.
And everything fell apart on a Tuesday…

Charlotte Taylor has three automatic strikes in my book: 1) She hates me. She also claims that I’m a “domineering jerk with a huge, overbearing ego.” (I do have something huge. It’s not my ego, though.) 2) She takes our mandatory tutoring sessions way too seriously. 3) She’s sexy as hell…And a virgin.

At least, those were her strikes before our study sessions started lasting longer than they were supposed to. Until one innocent kiss became a hundred dirty ones, and until she became the first woman I ever fell hard for.

Our future together after graduation was supposed to be set:
Professional football for me. Law school for her.

But she left me at the end of the semester with no explanation, and then she completely disappeared from my life.

Until tonight.

We met on a Tuesday.
Became everything, then nothing, on a Tuesday.
And now it’s seven years later, on a Tuesday…

This is a standalone novel, a love story based on Adele’s bestselling song “When We Were Young.”

Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon CA | iBooks

Lucas Fournier is only serious about one thing: hockey. The league’s fun-loving charmer, Luc is always up for a good prank or a great lay, and he has no intention of settling down. But being traded to the Carolina Cold Fury—and to play alongside his big brother, Max—is no joke. With another title in sight, the last thing Luc wants is to let his new teammates down. To succeed, Luc will need to keep his head in the game and the most . . . er, demanding member of his anatomy in check. But when temptation hits, Luc hits back harder.

Museum curator Stephanie Frazier has always put business before pleasure, which just about explains her nonexistent sex life. But when Stephanie meets Luc at a champagne-fueled gala, she finds herself flirting like crazy—and going home with the uninhibited athlete. For one night, she learns what passion is all about. She just never counted on the little surprise Luc leaves behind. And that’s when things reallystart to get . . . interesting.

This is the seventh book in the Carolina Cold Fury Hockey series of interconnected standalone novels.

Series recommended reading order: Alex | Garrett | Zack | Ryker | Hawke | Max | Roman | Lucas | Van (28 Nov 2017) | Reed (6 Feb 2018) | Marek (22 May 2018)

Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon CA | iBooks | Audio ?

shouldn’t be in love, but baby I am
I know it’s crazy, but I don’t give a damn
shouldn’t want you near me
but you’re inside me, can you hear me
I’m praying you need me, baby say you do
I’m laying in bed, dreaming of you
cuz I remember you moving, gliding
can’t get over you, baby I’m trying
why can’t I have you, why’s it have to be so complicated
the love I feel hasn’t faded

I wrote those lyrics for Jonny after he walked away.

It was never meant to be between us; I knew it, he knew it, we talked about it.

The trouble is, love never listens to logic. And for two people who have never really had a home or known love, logic is all that keeps us going: be smart, survive, do what has to be done. And, in my case, take care of my son. Forget my dreams, forget love…nothing matters but making it day by day.

But then I met Jonny, and everything changed.

*   *   *

I’m a vagabond. I’ve lived my whole life out on the ocean, surviving by my wits and my knowledge of the sea. I’ve never needed anyone, never stayed in one place long enough to let something like that happen.

Christian, the only person I’ve ever really cared about, goes missing and gives me a box of letters and makes me promise to take it to his wife, Ava. Problem is, when I get to her, Ava is missing too, and their condo is ruined by the same hurricane that claimed Christian. And then I meet Delta, Ava’s sister, Christian’s sister-in-law, and she changes everything.

It wasn’t supposed to be anything. Nothing was supposed to happen. We helped dig out survivors of the hurricane together, and that was it. Only…that wasn’t it. Something happened. And now I can’t get her out of my head, or out of my heart.

Even when I walk away, I can’t escape her. Especially when I hear her voice on the radio, singing a song meant for me:

You walked into my life, with your dark skin and brown eyes
I tried to resist you, tried not to kiss you
you speak soft and you move slow
you’ve got strong hands and few words
but I hear it anyway, everything you don’t say
I tried to resist you, tried not to kiss you
but god, your lips, the way you moved your hips
the way you said my name
and said you felt the same
the way you took my hand
and kissed me in the sand

This is the second book in The One Series.

Series reading order: The Long Way HomeWhere The Heart Is

Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon CA | iBooks

Cynical divorce attorney Lori Cumberland lives by one motto: Love is grand, but divorce is a hundred grand. With one failed marriage under her own personal belt, Lori had fallen hard and early—and it isn’t something she plans on repeating. She’s content focusing on the temporary marriages of her rich and famous clients. When she joins some of her recent divorcées on a celebratory cruise, her only vow is fun, sun, and new friends. But Lori finds herself tempted by a jury of one.

For Reed Barlow, falling into the world of private investigation was easy. He knows the law and knows how to avoid breaking it—all while doing his job. His rule to live by? No emotion, no involvement…until Lori. His charming smile and cocky attitude distracts Lori and lowers her guard, which is exactly what Reed desires.

But what appears as a one-time-only flirtation may be a plot orchestrated by Reed. As he’s taking his investigation to a dangerous level, it’s Lori who could end up in jeopardy. Reed has only one shot for Lori to grant him a second chance. But if he comes clean with her, he blows his cover. And that just might cost him the opportunity for an alliance of family…and of love.

This is the first book in the First Wives series of interconnected standalone novels.

Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon CA | Paperback | Audio ?

He’s a player. End of story.
I’m not interested.

Something about her lights me up inside. Makes me reckless.
So what if she doesn’t like me?
I like her—a lot.
And once I turn on the charm, she doesn’t stand a chance.

Fine. Maybe we can use each other for sex.
And the occasional late night conversation that nobody else will understand. That doesn’t mean anything…

They don’t like each other, but they both like sex—and watching
They have more in common with each other than they want to admit
Sometimes the best f*** buddies are friends, too

This is a hockey romance heavy on body-checking and double entendres, and light on ice-time. Let’s call it hockey-adjacent. We make up for that with angsty fighting, happy screwing, and a love story so secret even the main characters don’t see it coming.

This is a standalone novel in the Frisky Beavers series

Series recommended reading order: Prime Minister | Dr. Bad Boy | Full Mountie | Mr. Hat Trick

Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon CA | iBooks


Sometimes bad isn’t good enough…

On the outside, Lyle Tarpin is a clean-cut Hollywood actor whose star is on the rise. Inside, he’s battling his own demons, shunning relationships and finding solace in the arms of a string of anonymous women paid very well for their discretion.

But when he’s photographed in a compromising position by an over-eager reporter, the only way to save his career is to say that the woman he was with is his fiancée. And now Lyle has to play a very public game with the only woman who’s ever managed to get under his skin.

Struggling waitress Sugar Laine agrees to spend one night with Lyle—but only because she’s desperate to save her family home. She never expects that a night of passion will turn into a pretend engagement … or that the heat between them will blossom into love.

But sometimes love has a price.

And now the only question is—can Lyle and Sugar afford to pay it?

This is a standalone novel in the Wicked Nights series set in the sexy, high-powered world of Stark International.

Series recommended reading order: Wicked Grind | Wicked Dirty | Wicked Torture (14 Nov 2017)

Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon CA  | iBooksPaperback | Audio ?


A pop star in danger.

Her reluctant bodyguard.

A past they can’t deny.

Summer Michelle is on the verge of ultimate fame.

Ben Hollander has sworn off mixing business with pleasure.

But keeping his hands off of the sexy songstress is easier said than done and once the threat is neutralized, will she choose fame over love?

This is a standalone novel in the Bodyguard Bad Boys series.

Series recommended reading order: Rock Me | Tempt Me (16 Jan 2018)

Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon CA | iBooks | Paperback


Eager to start their life together, historian Vickie Preston and Special Agent Griffin Pryce take a detour en route to their new home in Virginia and stop for a visit in Baltimore. But their romantic weekend is interrupted when a popular author is found dead in the basement of an Edgar Allan Poe–themed restaurant. Because of the mysterious circumstances surrounding the corpse, the FBI’s Krewe of Hunters paranormal team is invited to investigate. As more bizarre deaths occur, Vickie and Griffin are drawn into a case that has disturbing echoes of Poe’s great works, bringing the horrors of his fiction to life.

The restaurant is headquarters to scholars and fans, and any of them could be a merciless killer. Except there’s also something reaching out from beyond the grave. The late, great Edgar Allan Poe himself is appearing to Vickie in dreams and visions with cryptic information about the murders. Unless they can uncover whose twisted mind is orchestrating the dramatic re-creations, Vickie and Griffin’s future as a couple might never begin…

This is the 23rd book in the Krewe of Hunters series of interconnected standalone novels.

Series recommended reading order: Phantom Evil | Heart of Evil | Sacred Evil | The Evil Inside | The Unseen | The Unholy | The Unspoken | The Uninvited | The Night Is Watching | The Night Is Alive | The Night Is Forever | The Cursed | The Hexed | The Betrayed | The Silenced | The Forgotten | The Hidden | Haunted Destiny | Deadly Fate | Darkest Journey | Dying Breath | Dark Rites | Wicked Deeds

Amazon USAmazon UK | Amazon CA | iBooksHardcover | Audio ?


Felix and Tilda seem like the perfect couple: young and in love, a financier and a beautiful up-and-coming starlet. But behind their flawless façade, not everything is as it seems.

Callie, Tilda’s unassuming twin, has watched her sister visibly shrink under Felix’s domineering love. She has looked on silently as Tilda stopped working, nearly stopped eating, and turned into a neat freak, with mugs wrapped in Saran Wrap and suspicious syringes hidden in the bathroom trash. She knows about Felix’s uncontrollable rages, and has seen the bruises on the white skin of her sister’s arms.

Worried about the psychological hold that Felix seems to have over Tilda, Callie joins an Internet support group for victims of abuse and their friends. However, things spiral out of control and she starts to doubt her own judgment when one of her new acquaintances is killed by an abusive man. And then suddenly Felix dies—or was he murdered?

This is a standalone novel.

Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon CA | iBooks | Hardcover | Audio ?

There’s a new deputy in town, and she’s a law unto herself.

Jeremiah Church is still aching for justice to be served after his father’s murder. Though the killer has been caught, the authorities are no closer to knowing why the Churches were targeted—and if the family’s still at risk. When Miah receives an anonymous letter hinting at a darker conspiracy, he decides it’s high time he seeks justice on his own terms, with the help of his fellow Desert Dogs.

Patrol Deputy Nicki Ritchey is new to Fortuity, and hoping to make a clean start for her and her son. Involved in the Church’s case, she’s kindled a friendship with Miah that’s evolving into something more. But Miah is crossing lines with his personal vendetta, and Nicki’s attraction is making it tough to tell right from wrong…

This is the fourth book in the Desert Dogs series of standalone novels with interconnected characters.

Series recommended reading order: Drive It Deep (novella) | Lay It Down | Give It All | Burn It UpRide It Out

Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon CA | iBooks

My name is Adam Kincaid, and I’m the best at what I do. After losing my parents, I decided to follow in their footsteps, and now I’m the most daring freelance photographer in the world.

Maybe some think I’m a loner, but I don’t care. All that matters is the shot: braving danger and devastation in search of a single image with the power to tell someone’s story. But as good as I am, accidents happen—and thank god for that, because it’s what leads me to her. . . .

Alexandra Robbins. My nurse. My savior.

With her fiery red hair and crystal-clear blue eyes, the camera loves her . . . and I have to have her. We soon find that we’re perfect together. We just fit, physically and emotionally. And yet something isn’t right. Something from her past is haunting her, and no matter what I do to help her break free, I lose her.

Today is the day I try to win her back. Not only do I need an explanation, I need her in my bed once again. I don’t just want a damn picture—I want her. Because what we have is a love that never fades away…

This is a standalone novel.

Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon CA | iBooks | Audio ?

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Latest Top Recommendations

One of the most outstanding and truly unforgettable books I’ve EVER read, this tender coming of age tale took my breath away, and to say I loved it would be a gross understatement. Exquisitely written, and laced with immeasurable amounts of heart and truth, this book perfectly captures the intensity and angst of teenage love, while relaying a message that is SO powerful and relevant, it moved me to tears too many times to count. A genuine masterpiece that should be read by absolutely EVERYONE. SIX STARS!


I’ve been waiting all my life for this book. A superbly conceived and then meticulously woven together second chance romance, J.M. Darhower holds no punches while delivering a heartfelt chronicle of love and heartbreak, of two young people torn apart by the changing tides of life, only to find their way back to one another when the time is right. I loved this book so completely and so overwhelmingly cover to cover, that I am not quite sure how to move on from such a tremendous reading experience. It ruined me in the best possible way, and I cannot recommend it highly enough—every devastatingly perfect second of it. SIX STARS!


Our final visit to Magdalene, Maine was everything I’d hoped it would be, and so much more, making it the perfect send-off for a group of characters I’ve come to know and care for deeply. This is the heartbreaking tale of two people who meet again after almost two decades of separation, and while time has not dimmed in any way their feelings for one another, they must face all the reasons why they stayed apart, and all the ways the time in between has changed them both.


Stylo Fantôme returns with a mind-blowing second chance romance that explores the what-ifs of everlasting love—the story of a man who wakes up in hospital with no recollection of his past life or who he used to be, but as his heart and mind struggle with all he’s forgotten, his soul slowly remembers to whom it belongs. This book shattered me in the best possible way and is quite possibly one of the most moving love stories I’ve ever read.


This book—this delightful, feel-good, at times incredibly moving tale of second chances—owned my heart cover to cover. There’s something about small town romances that never fails to strike a chord with me, their romantic backdrop creating the picture-perfect setting for timeless love stories infused with hope and promise, and the Jamison Valley series is the very epitome of epic love wrapped in small-town charm. This is one of my most beloved books of the year—a story I simply could not get enough of—and this author is quickly becoming a top favourite of mine.


It’s always a huge thrill for me to read an author for the very first time, especially one who comes so highly praised by so many, but to find myself in awe of their every confidently written word from the start, to see myself connecting and falling in love with their characters in such a way that I am compelled to read a book twice, back to back, just because I can’t let go… Ah, that is a rare joy and one that makes me want to shout their name from the rooftops! Santino Hassell’s radiant prose captivates, entices, inspires, electrifies, and as his characters continue to reveal their complexity page after page, a story with a deceptively simple premise develops into one that packs a hefty punch at every turn. I ADORED this book, there’s no other way to say it, and already cannot wait for the next one in the series.


Bookish News

I have loved every single book from Alessandra Torre that I’ve ever put my hands on, and while I can confidently say that this might have been my favourite story of hers, it was also the one I hated the most. I hated it because it shattered me, it devastated me, it crushed me, it reduced me to a sobbing mess over and over again, and I found myself loving every single second of it. It’s a very different flavour for this author, yet every word is so unmistakably hers—bold, thought-provoking, chillingly unpredictable. I am so excited to share with you the stunning cover of The Ghostwriter, releasing on 2 Oct 2017.


Tammara Webber has announced the release of her upcoming Contours of the Heart novel, Brave. This is Erin’s story and it releases on 19 Dec 2017.


The story of a Hollywood Golden Boy turning Hollywood Bad Boy, we have the cover and blurb of Tijan‘s brand new standalone romance, releasing in May 2018.


Christina Lauren have announced their next novel, Love and Other Words, coming in Apr 2018. The book is told in alternating timelines and follows childhood sweethearts who reunite after a decade.


We have the cover of the next Black Dagger Brotherhood novel by J.R. Ward, releasing on 3 Apr 2018.


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BOOK REVIEW: Autoboyography by Christina Lauren
EXCLUSIVE EXCERPT: Without Merit by Colleen Hoover

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