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As Calamity’s newest resident, Everly Christian thought life in small-town Montana would be dull and tame—and she needs a little mundane after the last few chaotic years. But one night, boredom drives her to the local bar, where she finds herself sitting beside a handsome and mysterious artist.

The man is anything but dull and tame, especially in the bedroom, and when she steps out of his shower and overhears his conversation, life gets interesting again.

Reese Huxley needs a wife.

And why shouldn’t Everly be the bride?

She’s got her reasons for agreeing to the hasty nuptials—reasons she’s keeping to herself. As long as she can stop herself from falling in love with her husband, she’ll make it out of this sham marriage in one piece. But Everly has a weakness for wayward men, and the more Hux pushes her away, the more she realizes this bluff is anything but a lie.


Devney Perry

Expected Release Date: 4 February 2021

Book Series: 

Their marriage might be fake, but their chemistry is off the charts in Devney Perry’s newest book in her Calamity Montana series—out this week—and I have a sneak peek for you. I adored every single word of this super-emotional, oh-so angsty small town romance.

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“Fuck,” I hissed as my big toe connected with the corner of Everly’s nightstand.

She giggled from the bed.

I spun around and shot her a scowl. “Didn’t think you were awake.”

“I’m awake.” She clutched the sheet to her chest and stretched for the lamp on the other nightstand, flipping it on. The golden glow cast a warmth on her flawless skin. Her eyes were hooded with sleep, her eyelashes heavy as she blinked. But there was a spark of lust as she took in my half-naked body.

I’d managed to pull on my boxer briefs and jeans, but I hadn’t found my shirt yet buried beneath her clothes on the floor.

The sun was beginning to rise outside, bringing with it a kaleidoscope of gold, apricot and pale turquoise that peeked above the mountain horizon. I hadn’t meant to fall asleep last night, but hours with Everly in bed and she’d worn me out. It had been more like a blackout than sleep.

“You can stay for breakfast,” she whispered, her eyes tracking down my abs. I opened my mouth to tell her breakfast didn’t factor into this sort of fling, but before I could speak, she laughed. “Just kidding. Will you flip the lock on the door when you go?”

“Yeah,” I breathed. At least she knew the score on this.

Going to the bar last night hadn’t been the plan. I’d been in my studio, working on a project, then before I could convince myself it was a stupid idea, I’d been driving across town.

I’d told myself I was just going to get some supplies from the gallery, a couple of canvases that had arrived last week that I hadn’t brought to the studio yet. One o’clock in the morning had seemed like the perfect time to go pick those up. And why not park on First instead of the alley? The exterior lighting was better, after all.

Standing on the sidewalk, I’d been feet away when Everly had come through the door at Jane’s. I’d stood there, silently debating if I should let her go or call her back.

Turns out, I hadn’t needed to do either. She’d stopped and turned on her own accord.

I’d made sure before taking one step closer that she’d known this was only for sex. That she knew it was just a fuck. The words had been harsh, but I couldn’t afford gentle. Not that gentle was my style, inside or outside the bedroom.

Everly didn’t seem to mind.

She snuggled into her pillow, her dark hair spread out on the cream sheets. She yawned and raised her arms above her head. That’s how she’d been sleeping—or nearly sleeping—when I’d roused to get dressed. Her lean arms had been stretched above her head, her palms open to the tall ceiling. And those caramel and chocolate eyes, sweet pools that I’d gotten lost in last night.

Goddamn, but she was gorgeous.

I tore my eyes away from her swollen lips and searched the floor for my shirt. It was comfortably resting underneath her panties.

“Don’t let this go to your head, Hot Bar Guy, but you sure do know how to pleasure a woman.”

A grin tugged at the corner of my mouth as I pulled on my shirt. “Not so bad yourself.”

“Seems like a crime against humanity to let such good sex go to waste.”

I froze. No. No, this wasn’t happening. I didn’t need her getting ideas about a relationship. I’d been careful. Crystal clear. This was purely physical.

A smile spread across her face and she giggled again. “You’re white as a ghost.”

“Look, I’m not in this for anything serious. Thought you knew that when I came up last night.”

“Just a fuck.” She quirked an eyebrow and propped her head up on an elbow. “I get it. The last thing I need right now is a relationship. I’m talking about some casual sex. No commitments. No expectations. It could just be a weekend thing.”

Fuck, that sounded good. I’d gladly lose myself in her body a couple times a week. But she’d been on my mind too much this week. She was a distraction I couldn’t afford. My attention needed to be on one and only one woman—or young woman.


“Don’t think that’s a good idea.”

She smirked. “Afraid you’ll fall in love with me?”

More like the other way around. Not that many loved me. But I didn’t need to have her get attached and be hurt when I walked away. “I’m not the loving kind. And these things never end well.”

“Fair enough,” she said.

I bent to grab my boots, yanking them on at the sudden urge to get the fuck out of this apartment before I caved. Sex with Everly was tempting enough I might break my own rules. Hell, I already had.

The two of us had chemistry off the charts. We lit the bed on fire, and I hadn’t even had time to play. Maybe if it was a once-a-week hookup. Maybe—

Focus, Hux.

I walked to the door, not letting myself look back.

And as Everly had asked, I locked it on my way out.

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Calamity Montana - Recommended Reading Order

(standalone stories with interconnected characters)

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