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What are you supposed to do when your best friend’s little sister—a classic good girl—asks you to help her go bad?

You should say no.

You shouldn’t pretend to date her so she can piss off her parents.

You definitely shouldn’t agree to take her virginity and show her all the experiences she’s been missing out on.

And you really shouldn’t keep it a secret from her brother, the one who’s your best friend and business partner.

But I don’t always make the best choices. In fact, I can be kind of a dick sometimes.

And I know if I don’t do it, someone else will . . . and I can’t have that. If anything, it means I get to be the good guy for once.

I just wasn’t prepared for how gifted this good girl would be at going bad.


Nikki Sloane

Expected Release Date: 29 August 2023

Book Series: 

Nikki Sloane’s sizzling Nashville Neighborhood series continues in August when Preston secretly teaches his best friend’s sister how to be bad, and we have the cover.

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Nashville Neighborhood - Recommended Reading Order

(standalone stories with interconnected characters)

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