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It all started on a dating app and a fake name.

Instead of a hot hook-up, I end up face-to-face with Kingston St. James.

He’s one of the most striking and wealthy men in Seattle—as well as my brother’s best friend.

Logic dictates I walk away, but curiosity wins and we follow Myka’s Easy Rules for Healthy Hookups:

Rule #1: Don’t expect anything.

Rule #2: Never wish for more.

Rule #3: Don’t swoon.

Rule #4: Don’t give endearing nicknames to your hookup.

Rule #5: Don’t be possessive, your hookup doesn’t belong to you.

Confession time: I’m making up the rules as we go.

And surprise, surprise, this casual fling rapidly evolves into a friend-with-pretty-weird-benefits (and not the sexy kind).

Kingston is suddenly breaking the hookup rules. He’s all charm and affection, turning possessive and… probably hoping for more than just a fling.

We accidentally find ourselves tangled in something more than just a fling. It’s something dangerously close to love.

We might be heading into a collision where the most beautiful accident or the most disastrous end might happen.

COVER REVEAL: Accidentally In Love

Claudia Burgoa

Expected Release Date: 12 June 2023

Another St. James brother finds love in Claudia Burgoa’s new best friend’s sister, forbidden romance—out in June—and we have the cover.

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Against All Odds: The St. James Family - Recommended Reading Order

(standalone stories with interconnected characters)

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